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Author: Tamikaaa


Word Count: 2889    |    Released on: 31/07/2023

ots sounds were echoing and Amethyst ran with all her might just like her mother

nd then realized it was another nightmare of what happened to her in the past ,

ing the reports, and it seems you've made significant progress in hac

ecurity measures and gain access to their encrypted files. The information I retrieved shed

volvement remains undetectable?" "Absolutely, sir. I employed various techniques to cover our tracks and mask our digital foot

btained and determine the key players involved in this illicit operatio

ctions between individuals and organizations. It appears that this network ext

determination have always been exemplary. Remember, this mission is cruci

do everything in my power to ensure its success. I won't rest

n your progress and any significant breakthroughs. And remember, if you encoun

ntain constant communication and provide

us, away from that the new

ffice so I need you

t s

d stay sharp." He said interr

ing beautifully against her warm, earthy brown complexion. She possesses a striking hourglass figure that accentuates her graceful curves, drawing eyes wherever she goes. Her face so soft and inviting, adorned with a round head and a delicate nose. But it is her eyes that truly captiva

er enthusiasm-the boss had mentioned that the new agent could be rather hard to deal with. As Amethyst adjusted her uniform and tightened her boots, a mix of curiosity and apprehension filled her mind. She prided herself on her ability to work well with others, adapting to different

As she approached, she spotted a figure leaning casually against the wall, exuding an air of

e me, are you Agent Lucas? I'm Amethyst ,

hyst. They told me you'd be showing me the ropes. Let's hope you can keep up." She felt a mix of annoyance and irritation at his response. She had expected a mo

at Lucas had a knack for pushing her buttons. He would interject with snarky comments, question established procedures, and exhibit a general lack of respect for the established hierarchy. Amethyst did her best to maintain her professionalism, although her patience wore thin. She couldn't help but w

nd wrinkly skin , with big bulgy looking eyes and and a box framed pair of spectacles . people wondered how her and Amethyst were best friends because she was the weirdo of their group but

uble gasp did you get yourself

that, you know me by now a

ush " everyone in the hall looked at t

earl, Pearl agent Lucas." "Pleasure to meet you fine lady ," he grabbed Pearl's hand and gave her a slight peck, Pearl stood there motionless until

aking him hard to miss in any setting. His piercing blue-green eyes, though often described as seductive, hold a depth that hints at hidden emotions and a complex inner world. Lucas's Black hair with grey highlighted hair frames his face, adding a touch of brightness to his overall appearance giving him a youthful and approachable vibe. His lips, with a natural shape and texture and a well-d

n would help alleviate some of her frustration and allow her to better assess Lucas's abilities.They faced off in a sparring match, their movements fluid and precise. Despite his ir

d catching their breath. Amethyst's initial annoyance had transformed into a grudg

You're skilled, I'll give you that. But remember, we're a team. If we're going

across as hard to deal with, but I'm here to learn and contribute." She was set aback by his more mat

tion for today?" he asked "like I said I have

it a day and go home. Suddenly her workmate Jes

dergone extensive alterations with the aid of fillers and Botox, rendering her beauty somewhat artificial. Her physi

tnership between the two and it stirred a storm of jealousy within her. With a tense expression, Jessica confronted Amethyst her words laced with ruden

essica's words. She took a deep breath, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Yes, Jessica, Lucas and I will

ected her colleague to react so strongly, something must be up she thought to herself. With a calm demeanor, she tried to explain herself. "Jessica, there's nothing romantic or unprofessional happening between Lucas and I We're focused on the training and our success as a team benefits ev

The image of her mother's brutal murder flooded her mind, replaying over and over again. Shep could st

onfinement any longer.With a surge of adrenpaline, Amethyst sprinted away from the road and into the depths of a nearby forest. The trees embraced her, their branches reaching out like comforting arms. As she ventured deeper into the wilderness, a powerful energy coursed through her veins. A tr

le embodiment of nature's mystical wonder.She raced through the undergrowth, leaving behind the burdens of her human existence.Her wolf form moved with an extraordinary grace and speed, her senses heightened to an uncanny degree. She darted through the forest, her powerful paws pounding against the earth, driven by an uncontrollable need for release. With every stride, she unleashed a howl that echoed through the night, a p

to her human form. Standing amidst the quiet of the forest, she felt a renewed sense of clarity and strength, having found a temporary sanctuary within the embrace of her animal self.With a

ing for her safety. As she approached her vehicle, her eyes caught sight of another car parked next to hers. A rush o

p of his vehicle, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of his lips. S

while you were taking care of business in the woods," he said, attempting to come across as h

cas s didn't seem fazed by her defiance. Instead, he began to act flirtatious, a glint of mischief in his eyes."It's alright even hot people like me and you take care

ar and started the engine, ready to leave him behind. As she drove away, she couldn't help but feel a mixture

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