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Rise Of The Son In Law

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2383    |    Released on: 10/08/2023


him he saw that he was alone in the bed. He figured that the maid must have alread

nd surrounding the villa. His family's villa was not only on top of a hill but

s nerves. He smiled as he looked at everything that would soon be his. Bu

the only thing that he wishes to do was make her family suffer. He cl

ock on his door. " Who is it?" he called out. " Mr. Reign's I'm here to tell

den and then began tidying up his room. He nods to the made as he walked into his bathroom. H

out of his room towards the balcony he knew that breakfast would be served. As h

table. " Morning sleepy head sleep well?" she said before she took a sip of her earl grey

aking a bit from his fruit bowl. After his sister finished explaining the state of his family he n

Kaiden seriously. " So what's your plan?" she asked. Kaiden placed down his tea cup and then looked at

nt to get revenge Mom did always say to turn the other cheek" she said. Kaiden scowled " I'm sure

mmoners but I'll help you, so what's the plan?" she asked. " Oh sis," he said with

aid. As Kaiden began explaining his plan to his sister whose

I always knew you were a cold calculating bastard like Dad, but this plan of yo

him," he said with a grin on his face " We'll sure did," she said

that," he said. Later after finishing speaking with his sister. He left the family villa so he

ily friend owned. He drove towards the bank so he could check to see how much money was on the card his si

t-up car with looks of disdain on their faces. Soon he pulled up o

alet that stood there had a look of disdain on his face as he looked at Kaiden's car. As

d be glad to give you directions," he said. Kaiden looked at him. " I'm in the right place," he said and

and then mumbled something before he got into the car and then drove it away. The security guard

ndividuals going about their day, Kaiden knew that all of them were wealthy be

onfusion dressed in his simple jeans and t-shirt as he strode towards the front desk

to an elegant bun. She gave Kaiden a polite tight-lipped smile " Good morning Sir I'm afraid you're i

into a tight-lipped smile and then continued " Then how may I help you, Sir?" she ask

the lowest card that the bank offered you needed to have a net worth of 20 million so if he was tell

t of her. Kaiden went into his pocket and then took out his wallet where he

e card. This was specially made for one of the bank's majority shareholders the Reigns family. She looked at K

Kaiden waved his hand nonchalantly. " Go right ahead," he said. Giving him one final scow

ted coming out of the elevator thinking that one of their largest shareholders where visiting t

etary. The secretary clasped both her hands in front of her. " It's as I said before ma'am this gentleman here cam

of these cards you have to be a shareholder and our stokes go for hundreds o

poor" she explained. The manager sneered "Open your dam eyes you know very well what a Reign's looks like and

y have the security guards inched closer to stop him from escaping, But the other patrons have al

you the right to disrespect and threaten innocent people?" he asked voice co

rgest and most powerful financial institutions in the world, and your just a

he asked. " Then I'll call the police and I'm sure you won't

drama unfolding and by then they were openly mocking him. " Loo

e been lying but now he's trying to pretend that he's from the most powerf

can see everyone now see's that a liar and a thief but I'll give you a chance to repent for your sin's by kneeling and admitting your wrongdoing in fron

forgiveness like the good obedient dog he was. Kaiden's eyes were co

d Bank on the platinum boulevard is the CEO present?" he asked. " Yes Sir Mr Cameron is

ir" He was then connected to the CEO. " Mr Reign's it's

ght away Sir I'll be there right away" he said. " Good," Kaiden said simply before he h

that much, do you honestly think any believes that you just spoke t

mor you I'll wait and if Mr Cameron doesn't come down in a minute ill have my guards beat you and then turn you

evator opened and Mr Cameron came sprinting out looking worried. Everyone

the Ceo marching towards them. She then t

he hell

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