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Rise Of The Son In Law

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 11/08/2023


s hands nonchalantly placed in his pockets as he walked towards his parked car. The Valet d

usly as he bowed to Kaiden. Kaiden didn't say a word as he took his car keys from h

car windows and turn on his ac. Soon he stopped at a busy intersection where he saw a woma

As he approached her he could see that she was hauntingly beautiful even more

any help with your car?" Kaiden asked. She looked up at him her body tense but after staring at him for

o right ahead I would appreciate it," she said stepping back and giving him space. Kaiden steppe

sed kicking her car tires in frustration. " This cannot be happening is supposed to be at a meeting at EDM cooperati

the EDM office building to get to the lawyer's office. " He then turned towa

s" she said. Kaiden watches as she gets into her car and then took up her pu

his surprise she got into the car without any complaints. As Kaiden got into the car he noticed t

e towards her office. It was up to her to speak first " Thank you for

ng that Kaiden was a man of few words she decided to keep quiet as well. Soon they stopped at another busy inters

that he was incredibly handsome and if she was being honest she's never s

he was one of them she would have accepted in a heartbeat. Kaiden noticed her starin

ontinued. They arrived outside of EDM cooperations five minutes later. EDM cooperations were the largest an

a massive skyscraper made of glass, steel, and gold. He then looked back at hi

ng out her purse and taking out a thousand dollar bill. " Here this is for you," she said h

asked. He raised an eyebrow " Does it look like I'm joking I didn't help you

" she said and then went into her purse and took out a card. " This is my business card i

body causing her to shiver slightly. But Kaiden seemed unbothered and he only took the card and i

door and then looked at one isst time and then drove off. She watched his car until it disappear

standing at the entrance of the building. She glanced one last time in the

led with tho

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