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Rise Of The Son In Law

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 10/08/2023


owards them after he said he would. The manager who was just ru

trons began whispering amongst themselves. As soon as Mr Cameron stood in front

Mr Cameron still had his head bowed as he spoke " My families doing well

he Emerald city bank and one of the most powerful men in t

ther. " Mr Cameron do you know him?" the manager asked hesitantly. Mr Cameron glanced at

knew the business world well would know who owned the majority of the shares of the Emera

to show his true self by removing his blue contact lenses. He stares at Grace

eron looked at Grace confused but then he looked around and then put two and two

mpered and began sobbing harder not saying a word. Mr Cameron th

ought the card was stolen, So I called down Grace who began disrespecting Mr Reign's," she said he

h wish?" he asked her furiously. She yelps and then knelt and bowed until her head touched the floor. "

d into the crowd where he saw a middle-aged man holding a crying li

time an incident like this occurs," he said and then looked around at th

meron looked out at the prostrating crowd with a cold gaze. " None of you are to disclos

s way Sir" he said. Kaiden nods and then puts on his contact lens

e disciplined," he said Kaiden nods and then took out his bank card. " I need you to check how m

in the city are doing well all except one I suppose the ItL cooperations have come into hard times as o

den said. Mr Cameron nods " Right away Sir but might I ask why you would be

in Emerald City, saying that it's not worth their time, but now that I'm the future head of my family I'm wishing to change that, and what's a bet

ry tactful assessment a idea worthy of your father," he said. Kaiden nods and the Mr Cameron went to his compu

n and told him the figure. Kaiden's mouth twists slightly as he heard th

have to make du with what he has. " I guess that will do," Kaiden said. Mr Cameron throws him a lo

a few families in Emerald city that had a net worth of over a hundred billion including his

eron invited him to an investor meeting taking place in the twin palace hotel. K

idn't recognize the number calling him. Answering his phone he was informed

e phone knowing that he was abo

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