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Taken by the Enemy

Taken by the Enemy



Word Count: 1928    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ng news!" exclaimed Ca

and with the newspaper, in which he had read only a few of the many head-lines, still in

ch his vast wealth was measured, in the estimation of those who knew most ab

with her uncle, preferring this to a voyage at sea, being in rather delicate health

Islands, and was now coming from Bermuda. She had just taken a pilot fifty miles from Sandy Hook, a

contained the startling news which appeared to have thrown the owner of the Bellevite entirely

is son, a remarkably bright-looking young fellow of

ford, who had been seated with a book on

had ever before seen him so shaken by agitation. He seemed to be unable to speak a word

the deck of the steamer, like a vessel which had suddenly cau

e came near her. "What in the world has happened to overco

s lips moved as though he were muttering something to himself. He did not look at the paper in his hands a

llevite, appeared to be even more astonished than his mother at the singular conduct of his father; but

y of his paternal authority over him, the young man never took advantage of the familiarity existing between them

he movements of his father with the utmost interest, not unmingled with anx

the movement of the vessel, but for several minutes planked the deck as though he were unable to re

fixed his gaze upon the staring announcement at the head of one of its columns. No one ventured to approach h

efore, and then dropped the paper, as though the a

as a quartermast

sed his hand to his cap, and waited th

wish to see him, if you ple

his march across the deck, though it was evident to the anxious observers that he had in a great measure recove

rty-five years old, his hair and full beard were heavily tinted with gray; and an artist who wished for an ideal shipmaster, who was both a gentleman and

rd," said the commander, in resp

nd, and come to anchor there," replied the owner, as,

name of the locality to which his order related, but not in a t

rdinary order which he received. It was in the month of April, and the

the Hudson; but when almost in sight of New York, the captain had been ordered

the slightest degree; for he was a sailor, and it was a part of his

is order, for he had been away from them for a long time. The three papers brought on board by th

pilot wished to be informed in regard to this strange alteration in the immediate

he had done before, but seated himself in an armchair he had occupied before the pilo

e before him. Mrs. Passford and Christy, though even more excited by the singular conduct o

the details of the astounding news; and it was plain enough to those who so eagerly observe

he Bellevite had reached the anchorage chosen by the pilot

aid the pilot, who had left his place in the pilot-h

Passford, in a very decided tone. "But that shall make

eceive the next order, which might throw some light on the reason for anchoring the steamer so near her destination on a

his full fee for taking the vessel to

d towards the companionway; b

ard of us. You will set the signal to bri

chor so near home after her long cruise; but the captain asked no questions, and

of the deck, walked slowly to the place where his wife was seated, and halted in front of her without speaking a word. But

of tones, while her expression assured those who saw her face th

ed as I never was before in all my life," replied

ntry," she added, hardly able to contain herself, for she f

that I did not expect, though many others were sure that it wo

ady, with a look which indicated that her worst

erposed the husband. "But a state of war exists at

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