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Taken by the Enemy


Word Count: 2005    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

or was instructed to the effect that a quick run was desirable, and he governed himself accordingly. At daylight on a bright May mor

h the owner hoped to avoid any close scrutiny of his outfit, and had succeeded in doing so, he was not inclined to tempt fate by any care

incerely hoped he should have no occasion to use the guns which it had cost him so much trouble to

rate troops, and it was not likely to be an easy matter to get into the bay. As it looked to the owner and the commander,

lpless, and subject all on board to the fate of prisoners-of-war. It looked like a terrible alternative to the owner

he course of the vessel to be changed to the westward, as they had decided to enter the bay by the Middle Channel. For the danger from Fort Gai

high tide; though Captain Breaker was thoroughly acquainted with the channel, having once been engaged in a survey of t

make his calculations in regard to the tide, which rises and falls less than three feet at this point. It would no

nces. Both of them came on deck at an unusually early hour on the morning that the Sand Island light was made out; for th

Christy on deck, and made out the tall tower in the distanc

and; and in China we always used to have a warm

into the army there,"

u want to go

wish of my heart. But my father wou

ust be, you could run away and enlist. I don't kn

I am afraid my absence now, without his knowing where I am, or

ry proud of you if you should

meet my brother, Major Pierson, and that he will make me go into some regiment against the wishes of my father and

triotic," sugg

misunderstand me: I am really very anxious to go i

perhaps you and I had bet

contrary to the wishes of my parents," r

ordered away with his regiment before this time," said his companion

the absence of my father, he would put me

mother i

a boy of eighteen ought not to be tied to his mother's apron-strings when his cou

m before you get on shore?" asked Christy,

gh I am not sure," replied Percy, suddenly looking more disconso

, with the feeling that he might be on the

m there before father and

other was a young f

in a military school in North Carolina, and they say he is a go

nk we are likely

have to come out from the fort and see that this vessel i

We may run into the bay wi

from the fort," sugge

ct that," added

u d

s out of the water; but we can't help that,

ess, and the whole of us may be k

; but we have no papers, and we

e, for they are apt to hit hard. But they won't fir

have the pleasure of meet

eamer, he will take me to the fort

some way," suggested Christy, who was already

imed Percy, catching at t

n," added Christy, as he joined his father on

bjections to the scheme, and was confident that it would succeed. Captain Passford called the commander, and informed him what his son had suggested. Captain Breaker hearti

f the purchaser of vessels. He returned to that part of the deck where he had left his companion. He fo

ercy, if you will do just what y

ile actually lighted up his face at the prospect of escaping

en a letter from the Confederate agent who is picking up vessels for the

p my brother from taking me to the fort?" asked

lmost sur


ust starting up the steamer again, and she will soo

on again. All the men spoken to smiled as they heard what was said to them, and they evidently regarded the whole affair as a decided pleasantry. But th

ve him from shouldering a musket in one of the companies of his brother's regiment. He had been quite enthusia

off Fort Gaines, which immediately began to move towards the approaching

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