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The night wife

The night wife


Chapter 1 Service

Word Count: 905    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

p the church , Lillian a young lady of twenty three years, who had recently graduated, from Benue St

uniform , she wore ,the shape of her body was slightly thicker than those of run way models , she had the hips that made the whole men wherever she went drool after her ,

he would win her from that point , but Lilian was evasive , that was how she had been able to keep her virginity, throughout her tim

d a beautiful night rest ?" She a

, for three years or four self , I've been begging you to at least make

on't keep male friends too close we are already fr

hering department . "Please let us go , the members of the choir are waiting for you , you know Luper is too blind to kn

y around , let's go abeg ." While walking towards Lillian m

ble way ,when he saw her discomfort, he took away his gaze . "Am sorry ,I don't know what comes over me

blessing or a curse , no wonder big Pastor warns all the

th ladies stopped laughing when they saw the Choir director walking furiously fr

with you ? why did you leave the choir room ? is it your job to arrange the chairs ? we have ushers in this church if they decide to get lazy with their assignment, it's not your job to leave your dep

. It was pastor Solomon who asked me to help the ushers , they have not ..."

y, that heaven came down . Around seven thirty they were

e auditorium housed over four thousand worshipers every Sunday, but the church wou

NYSC . Decided to worship at his uncle's new church , he had driven his uncle's family to chu

worship leader , Ogwuche fastene

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