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The night wife

Chapter 3 Love struck

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

like a crazy man , when he knows his father's elder brother is waiting for him in the car park ?" She said , for more than a thousand years Ada had been want

oesn't have any like father like son ." she blurt

pick the aura of her scent , to keep to him until he , had the opportunity to see her one on one , He trusted his prowess in wooing lasses , he should have had a trophy from Guinness world

ey drove out of the church . "Dooshima I will get you ." He

f their handsets . His uncle was reading his bible , his glasses perched on his nose . His aunt was swollen up li

didn't sneeze her , he was lost in the thought in his head , how h

he was one feet taller than her ,she knew she could no longer touch his skin, no

for dinner that afternoon and evening, he was mostly locked up in his room, searching for the name Doosh

s were shut , dreams of the beautiful diva haunted his sleep , the sweetness of her smile , her tears and pas

s connected . Ogwuche was still dressed in a milk coloured pajamas that had small patches of navy blue fl

nded with the white sparkling clean tiled floor, a Newspaper was spread before Mr Agada , he didn

ping the newspaper and picking up his pad

aid , Mr Agada pointed

lopped down on the couch , waiting for his uncle to speak, since his uncle becam

sat in front of him , arms tucked into his laps, staring nonsensically. "Are you angry bec

er by now , she's always been rude to me and my older children from my late wife , she made the

le I am

ting your food ?" He asked w

t have appetite."

, Ogwuche wouldn't say anything, instead hi

" He said still staring at his fingers

eneral Hospital Gboko ." Ogwuche managed a small smile , his uncle was disappointed in him , he expected him to jubilate and celebrated , bu

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