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The night wife

Chapter 4 Dooshima

Word Count: 797    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

ity in your church, for this

the young man was too engrossed in his day dream to k

joor! just tell me w

e meet every Tuesday and Thursday by six for our service ." Ogwuche'

." He said as he

rching . Then he thought about checking people near were you're on Facebook. He saw the nurs

seized when he came

nd jumping up and down . His c

that his cousin had gone raving mad . J

and bolted the door , he lay in bed and began to stare at her pictures on Facebook, Ogwu

outside his door . "This one you

t away . He began to react on all her Facebook pictures . Dooshima was at home , sh

where I think you're going that you're going ."She chuckled , she viewed his pictures and saw that he was a flirt and a Play

on her notification, Dooshima

nounced . Dooshima feigned deafness, she was too lazy to get up from the bed , she immedi

what are you still doing in bed?" She yelled , she caught her with her phone. "Give me that phone Dooshima!

Annabel and the maids are there to help you

in this house by their job titles? they have a name ." She quarrele

any hands do you need in the kitchen?" she gr

ing like a spoilt child , would it be Iyua that will follow you to your house to go and be cooking for your husband? Men don't eat your beau

'll be in the kitchen cooking, big madam will go and chatting with b

She cried throwing tantrums . "Moreover is it girls that you wan

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