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Bride At Auction

Chapter 5 A Hit on the Head

Word Count: 2469    |    Released on: 06/09/2023

, but fate had a different plan in store for her. The day took an u

ded relentlessly against her chest, the palpitations mirroring the overwhelming fear and anxiety that gripped her. Seated an

lashed through Charlotte's mind, an ag

just passed through and

rough the air, the urgency of the

ights illuminating the darkness of the night. Charlotte's thoughts became a chaotic swirl

erself caught between hope and despair, her emot

collect the stretcher

thread of optimism, praying fervently for Ethan's swift return to consciousnes

and fear. She could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage as panic gripped he

a gentle touch, the nurse extended a comforting hand, offering solace amid chaos. "H

dding, she mustered the strength to speak, her voice choked with emotion. "Yes... I am hi

Sensing the need for both practicality and emotional support, she gently urged Charlotte, "Please come with me to sign some papers. Bu

sing second. Numbly, she allowed the nurse to lead her away, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. As t

isheveled appearance mirrored the chaos that had consumed her life in an instant. With trembling hands, she washed a

ng great," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine care. "Take as much time as you n

bing her hands excessively in t

but it seems just being E


dy hum of medical equipment, as tubes connected to Ethan's nose and the monitors beeped rhythm

rought them to this point. She couldn't help but wonder if the financial gain was worth the emotional toll they

on Charlotte. She grappled with conflicting emotions, torn bet

been done h

d on Ethan's face, his f

where a man clad in a sleek black suit confidently strode in. He exuded an air of mystery with his long, raven-black hair cascading down his back, and

d her, his voice a velvety bl

n, the flicker of intrigue dancing in her eyes. "And who

tly, revealing his role as Mr. Will

d at Ethan, his breaths shallow and slow, his weakened form a stark contrast to the gun

pposed to trust you?" she chall

ID card from his pocket, holding it out for her inspection. Despite this

d or misplaced," she stated, her vo

marked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. With a graceful motion, he extended a bag towards her, a silent offering of fresh attire. "Here

aze lingered on Ethan's weakened form one last time, her heart heavy with worry before she finally accep

her sights on a nearby bathroom where she could shed the b

e her underwear sizes. A mixture of surprise and amusement flickered across her face a

uch of elegance to her appearance. Satisfied with her transformation, she turned t

tealthily observing her from the shadows. A surge of curiosity coursed through her veins, overpowering any sense of caution

stepped forward. The hallway lay eerily empty, devoid of any doctors or

ic figure who had chosen to lurk in the shadows. Yet, before she could react, a sudden bl

her, a faint voice penetr


e from t

ld, unforgiving floor, her muscles protesting the movement, she surveyed her surroundings with a hint of bewilderment. The realization washed over her lik

herself from the frigid surface beneath her. Fragments of memories swirled within her mind, struggling to form a coherent narrative. Th

ed state. Bewilderment flickered across his features as he approached her cautiously, concern etch

voice imbued with an air of composure. With a graceful motion, she swept her dark tresses over her shoulder, a subtle display of confide

nd still mired in the perplexing events that had unfolded mere moments ago. It all felt like

an, who appeared to have roused from his previous unconscious state. A smile illuminated Charlotte's face as she stepped closer, relief flooding her being. "I'm glad you're awak

he regarded Charlotte. A playful remark danced on his lips as he ob

ishly responded, "Well, it's important to make a goo

events that had unfolded. In the midst of uncertainty, their connection of

ng incident that had unfolded in the hallway. Ethan's genuine concern for her well-being, evident in his quest

ok a step closer, perching herself on the stool beside him, her fingers lightly grazing his arm in a comfort

cquaintance, simmered beneath the surface, creating an unspoken bond that neither could deny. The shared experien

ytime soon, Char," he assured her, his voice filled with conviction. Suddenly, a thought sprang to hi

riosity piqued, as she stood up and made

he bottom part of the drawer, directing her attention. "It's not entirely romantic," h

the small box, revealing a breathtaking emerald ring nestled within its confines. A smile graced her lips as

" he confirmed, his gaze filled with warmth.

knitted together in confusion. " 'A love from the stars'... What does it mean

nostalgia. "When he was going through a rough patch in his life, my mother came to him like a guiding star, bringing love and light. So, with this ring, I wanted

pected vulnerability in Ethan's confession and the overwhelming realization that their connection was evolving beyond mere convenience. I

before responding, her voice laced with sincerity. "If that's what you're looking for, E

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1 Chapter 1 The Matchmaking Opportunity2 Chapter 2 A desperate plea3 Chapter 3 Moment together4 Chapter 4 Blood stained5 Chapter 5 A Hit on the Head6 Chapter 6 Signing of the contract 7 Chapter 7 Contract begins8 Chapter 8 Friendship 9 Chapter 9 Ethan's past10 Chapter 10 Ethan chooses 11 Chapter 11 Love12 Chapter 12 New bride 13 Chapter 13 Marcy's hidden agenda 14 Chapter 14 Marcy hidden agenda (2)15 Chapter 15 Hidden agenda 16 Chapter 16 Amelia's jealousy 17 Chapter 17 Charlotte's journey to be a chef18 Chapter 18 Amelia and Marcy hidden agenda to Ethan 19 Chapter 19 Ethan's journey to uncover the truth20 Chapter 20 Ethan and Charlotte love continues 21 Chapter 21 Charlotte's mother got healed22 Chapter 22 Charlotte brother's success 23 Chapter 23 Vanessa's jealousy24 Chapter 24 Vanessa's manipulation 25 Chapter 25 Vanessa's manipulation (2)26 Chapter 26 Ethan and Charlotte has trust issues 27 Chapter 27 Trust issues (2)28 Chapter 28 Michael's dangerous plan29 Chapter 29 Micheal's plan on revenge 30 Chapter 30 Ethan and Charlotte depart 31 Chapter 31 Charlotte got heal32 Chapter 32 Ethan discover the truth 33 Chapter 33 Ethan and Charlotte came back together 34 Chapter 34 Ethan and Charlotte emerge victory 35 Chapter 35 Michael and Vanessa's plan36 Chapter 36 Charlotte forgives Ethan 37 Chapter 37 Charlotte forgives Ethan (2)38 Chapter 38 Charlotte accept Ethan back39 Chapter 39 Charlotte and Ethan face the future 40 Chapter 40 Vanessa 41 Chapter 41 Amelia hates Charlotte42 Chapter 42 Amelia hates Charlotte(2)43 Chapter 43 Michael's manipulation resurface again 44 Chapter 44 Michael's manipulation resurface again (2)45 Chapter 45 Amelia's journey to destroy Micheal 46 Chapter 46 Amelia's journey to Micheal (2)47 Chapter 47 Michael was eventually brought to book48 Chapter 48 Michael's empire was destroyed 49 Chapter 49 Vanessa resurface again 50 Chapter 50 Vanessa planning against Ethan and 51 Chapter 51 Vanessa planning against Ethan and Charlotte (2)52 Chapter 52 Vanessa's planning (3)53 Chapter 53 Ethan and emerge victory again 54 Chapter 54 Charlotte was poisoned 55 Chapter 55 Poisoned (2)56 Chapter 56 Charlotte hide57 Chapter 57 Charlotte come out of her hidden places58 Chapter 58 Vanessa was exposed 59 Chapter 59 Vanessa was exposed (2)60 Chapter 60 Vanessa was exposed (3)61 Chapter 61 Vanessa was exposed (4)62 Chapter 62 Vanessa was exposed (5)63 Chapter 63 Vanessa was exposed (6)64 Chapter 64 Micheal's downfall 65 Chapter 65 Micheal's downfall(2)66 Chapter 66 Micheal's downfall(3)67 Chapter 67 Marcy died68 Chapter 68 They rejoice over Micheal69 Chapter 69 Ethan and Charlotte move on70 Chapter 70 Ethan and Charlotte love journey continues71 Chapter 71 Charlotte and Ethan continues there love story 72 Chapter 72 Charlotte and Ethan continues there love story (2)73 Chapter 73 Charlotte and Ethan continues there love story (3)74 Chapter 74 Vanessa and Micheal face consequences of their actions 75 Chapter 75 Vanessa and Michael face consequences of their actions (2)76 Chapter 76 Vanessa and Michael face consequences of their actions (3)77 Chapter 77 Ethan and Charlotte love story continues78 Chapter 78 Ethan and Charlotte love story continues(2)79 Chapter 79 Ethan and Charlotte love story continue,80 Chapter 80 Ethan and Charlotte love story continue(4)