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Bride At Auction

Bride At Auction



"I never expected to fall in love with you. Never like this.” **** When billionaire CEO, Ethan Williams, seeks a fake wife to fulfill his dying father's wishes, he enlists the matchmaking agency "Happily Ever After" to find the perfect bride. Charlotte Thompson, a compassionate waitress, agrees to marry Ethan in exchange for a generous sum of money. Her motivations lie in supporting her dying mother and her brother's education. Initially a business arrangement, their marriage becomes complicated as Ethan and Charlotte discover genuine emotions blossoming between them. Caught between his duty to his father and his deepening love for Charlotte, Ethan faces a difficult choice. Meanwhile, Charlotte grapples with guilt over her secret deception and an increasing yearning to be with him.

Chapter 1 The Matchmaking Opportunity

Charlotte sat anxiously on the plush velvet couch in the lavishly decorated lobby of "Happily Ever After." She had dressed in her finest, her favorite dress hugging her slim figure perfectly. Her dark, cascading hair framed her cute small face, accentuating her hazel eyes filled with a mixture of hope and trepidation. Her pink lips were slightly puckered, revealing her nervousness.

The prestigious matchmaking agency had summoned her for an interview with the billionaire that she had been carefully matched with. The promise of a life-changing sum of two million dollars dangled before her like a glimmering thread of hope. It was a chance to change her world and, more importantly, to heal her mother's battle with a relentless illness.

Her mother's sickness had a name - cancer. The word itself held an immense weight, like a dark cloud that loomed over their lives. Charlotte longed to provide her mother with the best care, to ease her pain and offer a glimmer of hope. The two million dollars seemed like a lifeline, a means to give her mother a fighting chance.

As she waited, Charlotte's fingers nervously toyed with the delicate pendant around her neck, a symbol of her mother's love and resilience. Thoughts raced through her mind, her heart pounding with anticipation and worry. She rehearsed potential answers to questions that might be asked during the interview, hoping to impress the billionaire and secure the arrangement that could change her family's fate.

The grandeur of the lobby only heightened her nerves. Crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, casting an enchanting glow across the opulent surroundings. Exquisite artwork adorned the walls, evoking a sense of timeless elegance. Charlotte couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and intimidation in the presence of such wealth and privilege.

The door to the interview room opened, and a smartly dressed assistant emerged, beckoning Charlotte to follow without a word. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her posture and summoned her courage. With each step, she moved closer to the opportunity that held the power to reshape her life.

As she entered the interview room, a mix of excitement and anxiety washed over her. She steeled herself, ready to face the billionaire who could potentially change her fate. With a silent prayer in her heart, Charlotte greeted the unknown with determination, hoping that this encounter would mark the beginning of a brighter future for her.

Charlotte stepped into the interview room, her eyes adjusting to the more subdued lighting compared to the grandeur of the lobby. The room exuded an air of elegance, with tastefully arranged furnishings and soft, neutral tones that lent a sense of calm. A sleek, modern sofa stood in the center, its plush cushions inviting and comfortable.

Seated on the sofa was a man who immediately captured Charlotte's attention. He possessed an undeniable handsomeness that seemed almost otherworldly. His dark, tousled hair framed a strong and chiseled face, accentuating piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mystery. He exuded an aura of confidence and success that was hard to ignore.

As Charlotte approached, her heart raced, both nervous and curious about the man before her. She extended a hesitant smile and greeted him, her voice laced with a touch of apprehension, "Hello, I'm Charlotte."

The man's response was cool, his eyes assessing her with an air of detachment. His voice carried a hint of indifference as he replied, "Ethan." His tone held a subtle hint of curiosity as if he were gauging her worthiness for the role he needed to fill.

Not far from them, Marcy, the owner of "Happily Ever After," sat poised and observant. She had been overseeing the proceedings, ready to introduce the two individuals whose lives were about to intertwine. Marcy, with her silver-streaked hair and wise eyes, exuded an air of wisdom and experience that commanded respect.

Marcy rose gracefully from her seat, her presence commanding attention. With a warm smile, she stepped forward and introduced Charlotte and Ethan, "Charlotte is a struggling waitress, Meet Ethan. Ethan Williams. A billionaire and owner of one of the biggest tech companies there is. The one to be the prince charming to your Cinderella story." Her voice was soothing, conveying a sense of reassurance in this pivotal moment.

Charlotte and Ethan exchanged polite nods, their eyes meeting briefly but not lingering.

“As you already know. Happily ever after is an organization that deals with giving poor girls the ability to be Cinderella.”

Charlotte did not feel comfortable being called a poor girl but yeah that's all she is. She had debts lining down her name. She clutched her dress tighter as she sat there staring at the man who was looking everywhere but her crossed legged. He was enigmatic and Charlotte could not imagine staying in the same home as him.

Ethan sat composed on the sofa, his penetrating gaze fixed on Charlotte. Marcy, ever watchful, remained standing nearby, ready to facilitate the interview process. Tension filled the room as Ethan prepared to assess Charlotte's suitability as his potential wife.

With an air of aloofness, Ethan leaned forward slightly, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism as he began the interview. "Tell me, Charlotte, what qualities do you possess that make you believe you can handle the responsibilities that come with being the wife of a billionaire?"

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. She understood the gravity of his question and the expectations he held for a woman in his position. Gathering her composure, she met his gaze directly, her voice filled with determination. "Mr. Williams, I may not come from a privileged background, but I have resilience, adaptability, and a deep sense of compassion. I have faced numerous challenges in life, and I am not afraid of hard work. I believe these qualities will enable me to handle the responsibilities that come with being your wife."

Ethan's eyes narrowed slightly, seemingly searching for any sign of weakness or inadequacy. He continued, "In this role, you will be required to attend high-profile events and interact with influential individuals. Can you hold your own in such settings?"

Charlotte straightened her posture, her eyes gleaming with a quiet determination. "While I may not be accustomed to such settings, I am a quick learner. I can adapt and carry myself with poise and grace. Given the opportunity, I am confident that I can represent you with the utmost sophistication and elegance."

Ethan's questioning continued, probing deeper into her past, her aspirations, and her capacity to navigate the complexities of their potential union. With each question, Charlotte responded thoughtfully and earnestly, determined to demonstrate her worthiness and dispel any doubts that lingered in Ethan's mind.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ethan leaned back against the sofa, his expression unreadable. He looked at Charlotte intently, his voice devoid of emotion. "Charlotte, while I appreciate your sincerity and the qualities you possess, you cannot be my wife."

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