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It Should Have Been Like This

Chapter 5 It's karma

Word Count: 2233    |    Released on: 06/09/2023

from her notepad and stared at him in the eyes for a few seconds before she quickly averted her eyes back to the notepad. The first thing she thought was that she wa

e wished she could quit. He was a stubborn and reckless man. He would unnecessarily work overtime and barely ate, and thanks to his insomnia, h

as cheating on her with another woman. He was also responsible for ruining his fianceé family and the lady committed suicide. After the death of the lady, he realized his mistake and knew he was madly in lov

milar with her parents, she felt no pity for him. Seeing him reminded her of the times her mother suffered emotionally and mentally because of her father's betrayal. Even though he later realized his mistake, it didn

l haven't touc

ause he believed he deserved every bad thing for his past mistakes. Good things didn't need to come his way. Love and care shouldn't be for someone like him. He'd li

not h

ast time you didn't eat, which was

m f

reathed in from her mouth. "I'll get you some

I'm not

x your hair, you look like someone

he truth," he pointed

again, the company will be attacked and the lives of people will be at risk, including mine. I might hate my job but I love my monthly paycheck, so please, eat something and take your medicine. Mind I repeat the words Young Miss said? You're not allowed to die

have to be alive to face my punishmen

nodded, still scribbling on the sheet. "Sir,

you say my 3 o'clock was waiting for

eve they can wait a minute or two, or

the little welcome dinner, and don't look down on th

with fish or meat?" Rominic ignored her. "Meat it is. Now please arrange your appearance, sir. You wouldn't want to make a bad first impression on the representative that might

women. His already scowling face twisted. He thought he made sure to tell them not to send female representatives. "Good afternoon, sir," and what are they weari

e of them asked, offering

He asked blatantly. "You're he

to an office worker so she didn't see anything wrong with her appearance. "Since the meeting was

alm. "So is this your version of comfortable?" They stared at him dum

t s

n't need his help. Get lost, now." The ladies exchanged panicked looks and turned back to face him, but his cold and menacing gaze made them bite th

different food. Rominic groaned. "Are you a witch, how did you get th

ashed potatoes and the other one is

grumbled und

Rominic scoffed. "You sent your hon


aint in her head. Rominic dropped his face in his palms as soon as she left. His mind instantly went back to his love. She was the most decent girl h

en through the past years skimmed through his mind. Every day was a new discovery of emptiness, loneliness, regret, sadness,

y anger and infatuation with the woman he thought he loved. He was just a fool who didn't gain his senses until it was too late. There were quite a lot of things he didn't want to think abo

and the pain that came with the memories fueled his depression. Her smile, her eyes, her face, her horrible laugh, her voice, the way she talked, and the advice she gave him. She was money-cautious,

er when he couldn't f

t and his heart stop working for a moment. He pulled out the drawer of the desk and

unt he was registered as next of kin. He never touched the money she saved up there and even added more over the years. He developed a psychological urge to ad

s. She used only four different types and they were all saved in her head. His head was his own flash drive so he didn't do that either and

steal fr

sent to a hospital account in Las Vegas. The name of the hospital was familiar. It was the private hospital he recently collaborated with to develop new equipment. The hosp

name was Jamila Oslo. How could she have the same middle name and mother's maiden name as his wife? Did the thief create it to hide his true ide

d his food and was looking disturbed. She approache

I've been flushing it down the toilet," Stacy frowned immediately she heard that. Why was she concerned again? Annoyed,

She was quick to move away and glared at him. She watched him grab his laptop, pho

et the cars and the b

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Unfortunately3 Chapter 3 Crisis4 Chapter 4 Decision5 Chapter 5 It's karma6 Chapter 6 She's alive7 Chapter 7 Father overnight8 Chapter 8 What to do9 Chapter 9 The Number Four Rule10 Chapter 10 Stay or stay11 Chapter 11 New agreement12 Chapter 12 Let's 'forgive' him13 Chapter 13 Another deal14 Chapter 14 Offer her a job15 Chapter 15 Shopping 16 Chapter 16 A day at the mall17 Chapter 17 Appeasing the little boss18 Chapter 18 First day (1)19 Chapter 19 First day (2)20 Chapter 20 Aren't you going to take revenge 21 Chapter 21 Exalt your right as a Verlice22 Chapter 22 Help me23 Chapter 23 Eyes up here 24 Chapter 24 Painful memories25 Chapter 25 The supreme court26 Chapter 26 The first night back with him27 Chapter 27 The keyword is 'my'28 Chapter 28 Overdose29 Chapter 29 I'm not sick30 Chapter 30 Something to hide31 Chapter 31 Nothing personal32 Chapter 32 The Best Friend33 Chapter 33 Would they be happy to see me 34 Chapter 34 What happened to him35 Chapter 35 And what are you going to do about it 36 Chapter 36 Scars of memories37 Chapter 37 Crows like shiny things38 Chapter 38 You need help39 Chapter 39 Like an inescapable curse40 Chapter 40 Cat out of the bag41 Chapter 41 Dramatic quins42 Chapter 42 Unorthodox43 Chapter 43 A promise and a favor44 Chapter 44 Unplanned date45 Chapter 45 Reverse Sickness46 Chapter 46 Any ideas47 Chapter 47 Midnight Business48 Chapter 48 I wouldn't mind another try49 Chapter 49 Remember my address 50 Chapter 50 His sisters51 Chapter 51 He'll live52 Chapter 52 Reunion (1)53 Chapter 53 Reunion (2)