Tell My Son To Hold Unto His Gun
im to the monstrous beast was found, the village hunters had tried to avenge the death of their colleague by engaging in a week-long group hunt for the beast but did no find it. Was it
ll he was an ugly creature. My heart was burning with a wild desire to pull the trigger, but something told me to wait a bit since he might not see me. The ugly monster stepped into the river, picked a calabash from a nearby branch and drank three calabashes full of water he clenched his fists and banged his chest repeatedly like a gorilla probably to show that he was the boss of the thick forest, to announce to everyone that this was his domain. I watched him closely, trying to decide whether to aim at his chest or his head. But suddenly, an unknown force pushed my finger against the trigger and boom! went loud, deep sound from the gun. The monster stood still for a moment. Then his hands flipped from his chest to sides as is they had no life in them. When I saw his entire body swaying from side to side, anger struck me like thunder. "You deserve to die" I screamed and fired three shots into his chest. his whole