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Masked Mafia

Chapter 3 Who is she

Word Count: 1526    |    Released on: 06/10/2023

ared deeply at Ariana's b

battlefield prepared" He smirked, and took off

t and a silver bull

just weakly

ow?" He muttered, an

e heard a

r rushly halted, beh

en and his gangs ca

re y'a

ee it?" Cindy asked, looki

take down this d

s muscled and gigantic arms, he pulled th

" Cindy

an officer whose head w

is head, since he ha

rs to his neck side

ust unc

's happening?"

his brows a

et down the road

sommy pea

tailed us" K


He further

d met a lady almost lyin

Who's she? Where is Man mo

sin who knows a lot about me,,, than I know myself. Oliver

a confused expre

actly?" Ken asked

I think she has been spying on me,

ried to harm y

,, but she got into an accident that

save her" Ci

l looke

you nuts?"

Kev war

has a point

he's working al

n mok,,, definitely" M

ght talks like this. What if something went wrong. What if you

if she confesses

After everything,,, We'll kill her

y all heard a

eir heads to s

recisely, now

" He kept inhaling deepl



and turned fro

ere all wrong

unger twin, Kev t

ted to flag us down. He's

oked behind. Sure e


onna do? We can't stop. We can't reverse too. T

, and held the

your seatbe

" Oliver

h" Kev replied, seeing how close

eel, around, sharply, that

, amongst the bushes

ost had us kil

no one died

od" Cindy thought,

all him. The van just drove past us" Kev said,

and quickly called

cking" She s

ght be in trouble if the o

e in trouble if Malcolm sees hi


gun at Officer Jim,

you trying to do

curiosity killed the cat?" Malcol

He quickly jumped down from th

me evil spirit just lured me to come. I...I never intended to do this, I sw

ou díe" Malcolm whisper

own on the ground

ame)? KeyLar (Kev's c

s?" They

here. Make it look

oss" The

this...piece of sh!t to the hospital" He grunted,

told Oliver and t


this time?" A co-doct

be Cindy's riva

surgeon in R-Breeds Hospital, which h

w" The nurse


rangers,, and then,, what? attending to them in my

he her brother" A voice

most handsome guy ever. He

osh" She

and readjusted his b

tient's you


Cindy's face as she immersely

assistant ca


eart skip

." She w



cooed, watching the men pa

, Kev, Oliver

sk. He didn't want people reco

ired for the

hen her eyes

spered and gr

miled, and strok

d the oth

y?" She rais

.are my...uhmm...brothers

ou. Well,, except you are moreee han

did the firs

ater. I'll give you a cal

he be so cute" Gi


riedly, pulling his mask fro

, walking towards Ariana who

the door. Oliver ran in,

nding Ariana, checki

was about to choke Ariana

e have a problem"

nked as he slowly

e problem?

ned to Ariana who was looki

took her ey

has a

, she lost her mem

Cindy m

o stared deeply at Arian

ed back at

you?" She

know me?" S

dy and took her to the d

around, waiting fo

t once,,, or I'll do it myself. She's use

eeply. She kep

er life, after findi

" Malcolm a

oice echoed, from the curtain, c

turned th

her head down, an

t good" Sh

iver asked, no o

s red lips, as she walked for

alc" The La

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