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Masked Mafia

Chapter 5 Her memories

Word Count: 1272    |    Released on: 06/10/2023


s rea

usin, precisely.

t wanna

handsome fr

e sweet comments he was receiving, from t

when he saw the nurse, whom was clinging her arm

sin?" She shivere

by sommy

atient??" He asked,

gulped d

either. I just wanted to chec

d deeply, and

n it came in contact with the

ttered, pointin

ed her lids, a

she ran off to?" He as


s crashed at that time. Cause of

urted, and ru

She mu

yes blinked

,, Huh..

having like this cause of her?...It make

y, which almost

that all wrong, Miss" He sh

ee" The nu

pened?!" Cindy shouted

ame into her ward to check u

ppening. The CCTVs,,,

y cr



e them? Geez, This hospital s

Ken ran i

uldn't have gone far. Let's all separate and look for her. Cindy and I will check around the

s!" They

d her eyes, hearin

istake, Cindy qu

fter all...when it comes to the music

ile, and ran off th

sommy pea

ver and Ke


thout knocking and when he did, he

to find a celebrity opening their d

,,, I promise" He muttered, aft

, and opened the door, which l


d his eyes, after seeing Ari

e smirked and

see him, and she qui

y from her and they bo

he whispere

ked his eyes

?" He s

d her hea

emember me?


beat. He slowly took his

ot my pistol"

do that the

at her humble f

??" He d

t met. If that kind doctor didn't interve

didn't s

hearing her speak.


Why? Who are you to me? You must have heard,,, I

lm sc

stions,,, You should start remembering cau

hed her br

- She paused, an

ed his eyes,

ur problem

crazily" She answered,

't stop

" He asked, almos

wn, and Mal

ere facing

him, her eyes star

aned, and sque

t?" He asked, h


en she saw the

ething" She whisp


you see?

d towards them, li

y room,, where different colored light collided. It

, and pocket

Ariana. Your memor

ulged her eyes, and

o Cindy,

as looking so heinous. I wouldn't like to

miled n

hy you had that memory. I'm su

e beamed,

coffed an

. I hate heart attack

d deeply an

u doing here

ed? I was so bored staying in, and w

sommy pea

et's go" Cin

y,, Who's that g

cending the s

m? That's my cou

ird about him" A

" Cind

.He is the reason why I saw those memories. I th

ed her steps, and tu

hared the stare


lm la

nny. You came to my house to cap this trash?


ears now,,, and this things occurs. Most people recover their memor

ies?? Out of all people?. This is nonsense. We don't even know each o

ries quick and end her lifespan onc

g?" He asked, cooly, refill

closer to you. Only you,

y pa

olm choke, and he ended up splattering the rum f

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