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Masked Mafia

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1637    |    Released on: 06/10/2023



een" The officer ta

sed under his brea

a be late

You! Wi

nother officer who looked more

r Jim

o ask for papers and all,, but

icer shouted, knockin

now!" He ke

r, took his leg out, which had black

ocking i

s whole body out a

er almost screamed, but q

t, boss?"

tell me you d

Its really,,, is

n of your music. I'm

K. I'

played then. If we knew it was yo

eeply and checke

mpatiently, by drummi

y...but can we

?" Malcolm a

Samuel w

o leave" Ma

y,, so...I totally understand.

ete his words, Malcolm wa

e" Samuel laug

, waking him up,

t?" Samue



t it

at night,,, going at the only dir

, confusedly. He quickl

" He

?" Jim answ

in the officer business for 12 ye

his eyes, a


'm sure he has one or two things to run to. You need to live a

and looked at tha

uspicious?" He mutter


eck the car?" Cindy a

middle of of the bushes, wh

r sco

check or is it cause I

olded h

gonna be angry we didn't make it on time, and we are all gonn

ttered, holding the

t say, you son of a b*tch!" S

aded doctor you

ut you triggered the anger in me,

ng me to mind my business. You a

with Ken, the first

ith ceased brows. She

ng to boss then, Cu

Its Cactus!! My code name is Cactus,,, and we don't say it,,, j

pearl f. do not

istake" Oliver acted s

fed, aloud

ou telling boss, t

d back, coldly,

ear me witness. You told boss I have a large d*ck an

he shrugged her should

And how do yo

saw you,,


I spied on you f*cking


t we

u just ignore us and

t me, it wasn't easy. Not my fault. Blame yourself.

ving me that awkward

and looked a

oss' privacy in the first place,,, cause if you did,

see" He

fun,,, Do it at some...I don't know,, m

!!" Ken

cared me" Cindy

t keep listening to you

ow??" Cin

k here,,, thanks to

d out, th

r and we might get frostbites,,, and we might get ambu

's Kev?" Ken a

" Oliver

e?? Doi


miled, and op

" Ken

re you??"

repairing the

t his stained f

w" Oliver star

!!* A sound wa

s...was tha

reamed, interruptin

and started trying

r, You!!" Ci

doing!!" He s

iled and sh

ighed deeply, a


rched his brows, wat

r to see Samuel already sleep

range going on" He whispered, an


that?" K

" Ken

e didn't flag us

He shou

austed. Its really cold

?" Kev loo



s silver briefcase, and took out

car and came o

started vibrating in the

und, and bit his l

even my gang??" He m

d someone scream, from behi

someone who had drives

d his eye

nd set his mask well, thi

round to see a lady wearing smooth, fi

sk on her face. Her red lipst

wires fixed on her clothes, which ena

you?" H

given to task to kill

e tilted

h parents in Italy. They died, when

afia family at the age of 21. You were wise, and you became Leo

me a Don yourself, and formed your gang...You are also a

ened his eyes widely, seeing h

ly snapped his pisto

d it quic

er" She winked, and at once th

ster so it dived

ing a bit and the bullet

s blink

." She m

blink another, Sh

, whilst shaking her head, hold


the air, to the tower and light houses

see a van coming, its head

came to an

ollided hard, on the bonnet, rolled glass

now almost

causing the bonnet to be wre

weakly, and saw he

k or move. She was to

y,,, but she could see Malco

he forced her soft word

as Ar

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