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Perfect Boyfriend For The Savage Lady

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 11/10/2023

mother, noticing that her youngest

usewife, while their father worked in the United States as an IT specialist for over ten years now. He rarely

e late because she has a dinner date with h

es nar

u know they have exams next wee

her. Your father knows about this too. If they have exams next wee

me. I don't see the point of going out on a date when you h

normal for people her age to go on a date. I kn

inking about the presentation she needed to

y? You should enjoy yourself, not just work all the time. It's hard to die rich but alone. Your

n't meddle with her life choices. But lately, it has become a recurring topic. They keep pestering her to get a

ould it do me to

nowledge that you bring joy to someone's life. Dear, there are many things in the world that money can't buy. Look at Cassy, s

r sister is cheerful and has many friends. Cassy's happiness is

. Her family was all she had. But, she was happy. Honestly, she was happy. The success and recogniti

ing of happiness. Believe me, dear, it's much more joyful to r

erious? Never in a million years would she trade a plaque

esn't solely come

ss? You have all of that,

because I'm not all smiles l

. It was clear that s

one courts me?" she

to approach you? You're beautiful, dear, many are attracted to you,

She felt annoyed at

lish, and lack ambition. I'm a woman, Mom. I'll loo

ses, not the mind. The problem with you is that your heart is closed. And with st

und like I'm so old

the perfect time to

er Mom wo

ll your

me one month. Don't bother Papa ju

as take

was for her mom to stop nagging, and later they would

m asked, her voice f


behind. She was also overly excited. Gosh, what was wrong with

e come to visit?

d Cassy in

Sis, co

f the conversation

yfriend but you're still

re you

d he gave me this!" She proudly displayed

ooks cheap."


ugh at Cassy's reaction.

f him. Imagine, he endured your sharp tongue? Is his greatest accomplis

s time, both her and the

said in annoyance. "I'll introduce you to him prop

er, she felt like she wanted to cut out her own tongue because she

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