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Perfect Boyfriend For The Savage Lady

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 11/10/2023

oyfriend," s

ing puzzled as she

me?" s

. I need a bo

do I even

d, obedient. Just find me the perfect boyfriend to show off. I can't af

, clearly unsure how to

discreet advertisement on the in

someone as soon as possible. The contract should be very private, good

nod at the absu


take a taxi for the day. Before she even got inside the mall, someone snatc

and there might be an important client trying to reach her. However, before the thie

e a future there. Instead, you chose snatching!" the man scolded, his foot firmly on the thie

ollar. "Thank your lucky stars I'm busy. I'll let you go this time, but if I

htened thief stammer

ose, she could see him clearly. He was tall, athletic, with

an? He had a face that could stop traffic, for heaven's sake! He was wearing a simple black shirt, fa

essly for his divine face, his


is snapping fingers

s that

e you saw a descending angel. I've been talking

angel? Ye

that thief away? Shouldn't you h

I do that?

Earlier, he was an angel; turn

e responsible, you woul

r from here. Do you expect me to c

was seriously worr

e me my bag bac

like this. Plus, I wasted 20 minutes here, and now I'm

ebrow at him. This guy h

don't see any laws in the Philippines sa

sed hi

about Duterte's laws because I'm the one talking to you. If you do

. You didn't even do anything. You might even be

e just taken your bag and run. This bag seems more va

guy had some nerve! He was acting so high and mighty; you'd think

ed," she sa

lip. She frowned slightly, findi

you're pretty, I'll settle for 500. But it se

With a guy who was undeniably h

st heading home

ive me my bag, my money is i

t. I'm worried you might just g

kind of lang

with his tongue. "There's your bag. I

ed the bag from him and shov

she muttered bef

e wherever I go. It's because apparently, I

. Her heart raced again. She forced herself to roll her eyes and hurriedly

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