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Prince Of Hell

Prince Of Hell 's Books(8)

I'm The Legal Wife

I'm The Legal Wife

Jayzee was already at the office at seven o'clock Monday morning. His whole family was not there yet because their flight back was just now. He did nothing all weekend but watch sports on the cable channel and swim in the pool. he was not in the mood to go to the club so he stayed at the condo for those two days. For the first time in his adult life, I think he had some 'me' time. He was still far away when he saw the bright light near his room. he saw Anikka sipping her coffee while looking at the screen monitor and her back leaned on her swivel chair. He thinks it's getting better every day. He also noticed that he had lost his innocence and that his gaze was no longer as intense as before. "Good    morning,"    he greeted her. It seemed that he was surprised by his appearance which he did not expect because it was still early. "Good morning," he greeted back. "Coffee?" offer it to him. He sat on the edge of her table and smiled. "Would you allow me to sip on your coffee cup?" he asked. Every time he attracts her, she quickly makes an excuse to avoid it. But he will not allow it to be just like that. As time goes on, he is more and more challenged by this woman who doesn't seem to care about his charisma. "No," he answered quickly making him smile even more. "Why not?    I don't have a contagious disease." "I'll just make you," he answered. But before he could stand up, he took the papercup and brought it to his lips. "Iced coffee in the morning?" he frowned as it must have been cold. He immediately placed the glass on the table. "I prefer cold," he replied. He waits for the girl to take it to drink. Maybe he was embarrassed so he was forced to take a sip again. "Now you just tasted my lips, sweetheart," he said smiling while still holding the glass. He also saw the reddening of her face. "How does it taste?" "Coffee taste," he just shrugged his shoulders and focused his eyes on the screen again. he was even more irritated by her reactions. He quickly stood up and headed to his office. "We'll talk about my schedule today, Anikka," he said while walking. In less than five minutes, he entered his office holding a ballpoint pen and some folders. he stood up and sat on the edge of the table in front of it. "What's my schedule for today, sweetheart?" "You only have three meetings today because Mr. del Mundo suddenly canceled yesterday," he answered. "Yesterday was Sunday, Anikka." "He called at my number," he answered, making her frown even more. "He's calling you off office hours?" He gave Anikka a company phone for her to use. he lost his mind that clients would use to call him even when he was out of work. "Just to cancel the meeting today," he immediately explained. "Is Oliver calling you often?" he immediately asked, referring to the supplier who was often now in front of his table. "Sort of." He shrugged his shoulders again. He cursed the secret. "Add to my schedule later my visit to Zenclub at six o'clock," he said and returned to the swivel chair. "You're going with me," he added. "It's not during work hours, Jayzee," he denied as she expected. he ignored it but started to open the folders he was carrying. "You will take the minutes of the meeting from now on," he also ordered that his father's secretary used to do. "You'll be with me at the conference room later." "Suddenly, I guess?" it said with a smile. He, on the other hand, frowned in annoyance at the thought of always talking to Oliver when he was not in the office. "That's part of your job as my secretary. I didn't just give birth to you right away because you were new." "Okay, boss," he seemed to be teasing him because he was still smiling while he was serious. "Do you need anything else?" "I need a coffee," he said without looking at the girl. "Hot or cold?" it asked. he looked at her and saw that she was amused by the visible annoyance in him. "I don't drink cold coffee, sweetheart." He stared at it intently. "I want it as 'hot' as you." He emphasized the last word but she still didn't react. He disappeared into his office for a while before he returned with a cup of coffee. "Here's your hot coffee, sir," he teased. He stood up and met her. "Is this as hot as you?" he asked comfortingly and purposely took her hand as he handed her the cup. If he thought he would be alone in the teasing, he was mistaken. And if that Oliver thinks that he will be ahead of the girl, he is also mistaken. he's not Jayzee Albano if other men can outdo him. "You decide," he replied while waiting for her to sip the coffee to answer his question. "I can't decide yet," he said after taking a sip. the truth is that he was slightly burned because the coffee was still hot. But he has to stand by what's in his mind. "Why not?" it seems like a challenge to him.
Possessive Womanizer Husband

Possessive Womanizer Husband

"Vincent, Mama is looking for you. Aren't you going home?" Athan asked the twins. I faced Ethan, who was staring at the girl next to him at the bar. "Nope. I'm busy," he said absentmindedly. I just shook my head. Ethan remained focused on the girl's thigh beside him. Damn playboy. "Ah, okay. I'm leaving then. Text Mama, okay?" Athan bid farewell. Without a word, he walked away, leaving me dumbfounded, watching him go. "You like my bro?" Ethan teased. I faced him before taking another sip. "Like is for kids, Ethan," I rolled my eyes. Shortly after, a tray of shot glasses arrived. It was placed in front of us. He smiled at me before locking eyes. "Oh, then love?" he chuckled. I took a shot glass before shaking my head again. I rolled my eyes. "Like, duh! Yuck, you believe in that?!" "Hell, no. Of course not," he replied. I glanced at him before nodding. "At least we have something in common," I said, taking another shot. He followed suit. "Really, I thought girls like you believe in fairy tales. Like Mr. Right," he teased, barely holding back laughter. I choked on my sixth glass before shaking my head. "You say that again, and I swear, I will make you shut up," I said in irritation. Ethan's thoughts about fairy tales and Mr. Right disgusted me. Did I look like a naive twelve-year-old girl? "Oh, you can't make me shut up, baby," he arrogantly replied, moving his face closer. I inched mine towards him too. "Wanna bet?" I challenged. His lips quirked up, mischief gleaming in his green eyes. He stood up and approached me. "Sure. If I win, you'll stay at my pad tonight," he confidently said. I resisted the urge to blush at his words, meeting his gaze. "And?" "And I will rock your world, babe."
'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

"Boss, she's here." The leader of the long-lost PSG turns out to be an English-speaking grasshopper! That's probably why he didn't acknowledge her earlier, because he couldn't understand her. The man with his back turned slightly nodded in recognition. After that, they were left alone in that spacious room. Hannah smirked, knowing she was in trouble with this cocky Boss of the gangsters. It was a big mistake to untie her hands. Even though this Boss was towering and broad-shouldered, he wouldn't stand a chance if they were to wrestle. Yes, she'd hit him repeatedly until he coughed up coins. The audacity of dragging her in front of his people! No one could do that to her! "So, you're the Boss, face me then! What do you want from me?!" she yelled fearlessly, even though his henchmen were just outside. The man didn't respond. This only infuriated her more. "You're so arrogant! I told you to face me!" The man placed the red-wine-filled glass he was holding onto the side table nearby. She was getting annoyed because he seemed indifferent to what she was saying. After displaying that power in front of her, he acted like he wanted her to kneel just for a bit of attention? Of all things she disliked, it was people like him—arrogant and full of self-importance just because they were rich! "If you think I'm scared of you because of the number of your henchmen outside, you're wrong! If you don't want to get hurt, release me now!" No answer. Damn it. Did it have to be in Spanish? "When someone talks to you, you face them, okay? Are you an alien? Can't you understand english? Do you want me to kick you??" She noticed his hands clenching, probably irritated by what she said. He slowly turned towards her. Her jaw dropped literally. Her eyes widened. She blinked ten times. Sweat started forming on her forehead even though the room was cool. Those intelligent brows... Those firm and arrogant lips... And the icy cold stare... Is this for real? It's like he was ripped from the pages of the Prince of Hell magazine and brought to life before her, Prince of Hell #2 in flesh and breathing. Goodness gracious! Not just her jaw, even her heart, liver, and kidneys fell for him! Her whole system went into a riot, because the man she'd desired for a long time was right in front of her now!
Epitome Of Perfection

Epitome Of Perfection

I shook my head before looking at myself through the mirror again. I just did a little touch-up and decided to go out again. It would be embarrassing if I kept Damian waiting there. He seems like a nice guy. We've only exchanged a few words, but I immediately sense his goodness. He doesn't seem like a man who judges a woman solely by her appearance. I hope we'll get along. A smile appeared on my lips as I left the powder room. Even from a distance, I could see our vacant table. The food we ordered was already there. But Damian was nowhere in sight. Where could he be? Maybe he's in the restroom? When I reached the table, I sat down. I scanned my vegetable salad and grimaced. It doesn't look appetizing. Damian's burger looks much better. But minutes had already passed, and there was no sign of Damian in front of me. I was starting to feel a pang in my heart for an unknown reason. I looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but it didn't happen. The waiter who served us earlier accidentally passed by my side. "Excuse me!" He turned to look at me, approaching with questioning eyes. "Yes, Ma'am?" "My c-companion earlier, d-did you see him?" He took a moment to think, as if trying to recall. With every passing second of his contemplation, my heart pounded even harder. "Oh! Yes, Ma'am. I saw him leave earlier. He seemed to be in a hurry. He's the handsome one, right?" I nodded. "Did he say anything or leave any instructions?" I didn't pay much attention to what the waiter was saying when my phone rang again. From the illuminated screen, I saw a message from Damian that shattered my heart into pieces. Damian: I'm sorry, Sandra. It's nice to meet you, but I don't think we'll work out. Eat the burger I ordered, instead. It's for you. Don't worry, your bill's already taken care of. Take care."