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'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

Prince Of Hell


"Boss, she's here." The leader of the long-lost PSG turns out to be an English-speaking grasshopper! That's probably why he didn't acknowledge her earlier, because he couldn't understand her. The man with his back turned slightly nodded in recognition. After that, they were left alone in that spacious room. Hannah smirked, knowing she was in trouble with this cocky Boss of the gangsters. It was a big mistake to untie her hands. Even though this Boss was towering and broad-shouldered, he wouldn't stand a chance if they were to wrestle. Yes, she'd hit him repeatedly until he coughed up coins. The audacity of dragging her in front of his people! No one could do that to her! "So, you're the Boss, face me then! What do you want from me?!" she yelled fearlessly, even though his henchmen were just outside. The man didn't respond. This only infuriated her more. "You're so arrogant! I told you to face me!" The man placed the red-wine-filled glass he was holding onto the side table nearby. She was getting annoyed because he seemed indifferent to what she was saying. After displaying that power in front of her, he acted like he wanted her to kneel just for a bit of attention? Of all things she disliked, it was people like him—arrogant and full of self-importance just because they were rich! "If you think I'm scared of you because of the number of your henchmen outside, you're wrong! If you don't want to get hurt, release me now!" No answer. Damn it. Did it have to be in Spanish? "When someone talks to you, you face them, okay? Are you an alien? Can't you understand english? Do you want me to kick you??" She noticed his hands clenching, probably irritated by what she said. He slowly turned towards her. Her jaw dropped literally. Her eyes widened. She blinked ten times. Sweat started forming on her forehead even though the room was cool. Those intelligent brows... Those firm and arrogant lips... And the icy cold stare... Is this for real? It's like he was ripped from the pages of the Prince of Hell magazine and brought to life before her, Prince of Hell #2 in flesh and breathing. Goodness gracious! Not just her jaw, even her heart, liver, and kidneys fell for him! Her whole system went into a riot, because the man she'd desired for a long time was right in front of her now!

Chapter 1 The Abduction

Hannah's friends were screaming loudly in their small shared apartment, but she didn't care. She could hardly hear anything, engrossed in what she was doing. She received the call last night, but she's still nervous.

"Ugh, even if I end up with the ugliest among the Princes of Hell, my life would be complete, and I'd willingly go to hell after I die..." Julia exclaimed dramatically, accompanied by a scream. Her eyes remained fixed on the TV screen, even though what she was watching had ended a while ago.

"You're crazy!" Mexie, another friend of hers, interjected. "Ugly in the Princes of Hell? No way! All the guys listed as members there are perfect. There's not a single flaw in any of them. But it would be best if you get the least evil of them all, of course!"

Lira was the one who took out the pirated DVD of the wedding of the very first prince of darkness, Jandrix Alexis DiMarco. It was a dreamlike wedding, like the ending of an elegant fairytale. The woman he loved was so lucky.

"Now there's evidence that the cold-blooded demons of the corporate world have hidden hearts within them. All you need to do is dig it out in a grand way," Lira added.

"I wonder what Jandrix's wife did to capture his heart? I hope now that she's Mrs. Jandrix DiMarco, she agrees to an interview! She should tell us the secret of how she tamed a fierce lion like Jandrix!" Julia asked, a hint of envy in her voice directed towards Mrs. DiMarco.

"What's the use? The Princes of Hell all have different personalities. The charm Mrs. DiMarco used on her husband might not work on the others," Mexie pointed out.

"But they have one common denominator, they're all devilishly ruthless. If we find their weakness, it'll be easy to get into their hearts, right? Well, the question is how?" Lira shrugged at her own question.

"Weakness? What kind of weakness could they have when they're all powerful? Like Prince #2 Drico Antonio DiVanne, what kind of weakness does he have?"

Because of that name, Hannah automatically looked at her friend Julia. As usual, they were talking about the Princes of Hell again. If she weren't so tense and trembling with nervousness, she might have joined in the conversation.

They were first introduced to the Princes of Hell by a wealthy Japanese man who often hung out at the club where they worked. He left them a very expensive magazine about the Princes of Hell, and since then, her friends started collecting information about them. At first, she didn't agree with this obsession, but when she saw a photo of the so-called Prince #2, Drico, she couldn't help but be immensely interested. Drico had a unique appeal to her. She wasn't a teenager anymore to fantasize like this, but she couldn't stop her heart from racing every time she caught a tidbit of news about him.

Princes of Hell, the list of men with god-like looks but devilish personalities. "Cold-blooded demons" was the popular term for them, the media even dubbed them heartless. But to be fair, not all of them seemed that way, considering the first on the list, Jandrix, Prince #1, is already married, right? And what's even more intense, he's head over heels for his wife.

She let out a sigh, hoping that the second on the list would also have a heart. Drico Antonio DiVanne, her favorite Prince of Hell, the paparazzi-shy lion. Whenever she saw his pictures, it wasn't just her jaw that dropped, but her heart too, falling head over heels.

She glanced again at his topless picture, which she even framed and placed on their center table. She adored him so much, and she didn't know why. Maybe it was the intelligent slant of his brow, the arrogant twitch of his lips, or perhaps the mysterious cold stare in his eyes that seemed to penetrate the soul when he looked? "You see, only Drico Antonio DiVanne can bring back the soul of one from there!" Mexie grinned, referring to her.

"Hey, bes, you've been tense since earlier. Are you still worried about your sister's call last night?" Lira said.

She swallowed hard as she remembered her sister's hoarse and intimidating voice from last night. Lira approached her and gently stroked her back. "You know, don't worry too much about it. Maybe she was just trying to scare you or playing around. You don't need to hide because you haven't wronged anyone. No one would dare harm you, right?"

"But what if your witch of a sister is the one who's at fault and they're coming after her? That's why she's telling you to hide?" Mexie added.

She stared at Mexie. Mexie had a point. Since their parents passed away three years ago, her sister hadn't been in touch with her. She heard that her sister went to Athens and became the personal assistant of a wealthy billionaire. Her sister was intelligent and stunningly beautiful, so it didn't surprise her that a billionaire would hire her. They hadn't communicated for a long time.

But last night, her sister Rebecca called. She warned her to hide, but didn't explain why. After asking for forgiveness for whatever wrongdoing, she abruptly ended the call.

She was nervous, not for herself, but for her sister Rebecca. What happened in Athens? Did she cross her billionaire boss? Her heart was pounding hard. Her sister was the only family she had left, and she wouldn't accept losing her too.

She was brave. After all, she was the amazon of their group, the sole defender of her friends. Her only weakness was the people she loved, for she considered them her most precious treasures in the world.

"But you know, Hannah, I'm also nervous. We don't know what happened to Rebecca in Athens. Maybe she clashed with some wealthy person. Maybe you should just hide?" Julia commented seriously.

Mexie frowned. "Oh dear! Whoever your sister fears, you're probably already on their bad side. Your sister could be in danger!"

"Hey!" Lira scolded her friend, even pinching her cheek.

She wanted to help her sister with her problem, but how? She didn't even know where she was, or who her enemy was.

Her friends asked her not to enter the club until everything was clear, but she insisted. After all, she was Hannah Victoria, the fearless amazon. Her friends went inside the club first because they had to put on their uniforms. She didn't need to, she was fine in civilian clothes.

"Hannah Victoria?"

She turned at the voice behind her. She was alarmed to see three unfamiliar men. They were all in black suits and were big guys! Wait a minute, were they the missing Presidential Security Guards of Duterte?

"Who are you?" she boldly asked.

"Boss is inviting you to his house," the man in the middle replied.

"Which boss?"

"You'll get to know when you come with us."

She raised an eyebrow at them. What did these three idiots think, that they could just drag her away?

"What if I don't want to come?" she retorted boldly. "Your boss is rude. If he needs something from me, he should come himself!"

She was about to turn away when one of them blocked her path. It seemed like they had no intention of letting her go. When one of them grabbed her shoulder, she used all her strength to twist his arm, causing him to grimace in pain. She swiftly turned and kicked him in the jaw. Her kick reached high, she might be a black belter. And not just any black belter. She was a champion mixed martial artist.

She used her extraordinary reflexes to swiftly take down all three men. She wasn't going to let them take her away like that, she'd rather die. The three didn't stand a chance, she had them on the ground in just a few minutes. But she didn't expect ten more men to suddenly arrive. They ganged up on her, and what she also didn't expect was for one of them to shoot at her from the shadows. She winced in pain as the bullet dug into her skin. Her vision blurred, and suddenly she felt weak...

When she came to, she was inside a luxurious van with the uniformed men who had kidnapped her. She looked out the window, but it was covered, and she couldn't see anything.

"Where are you taking me? This is kidnapping! You idiots, I don't have any money, you've got the wrong person!" She struggled but the ropes on her hands and feet were tight. The men paid no attention to her, just exchanging glances like mute spectators.

"Let me go! Where are you taking me?!"

But there was still no response. She was getting frustrated with their silence. She became anxious when the car stopped after a long drive. She wasn't sure how long they had been traveling, but it was definitely no less than 6 hours, as it was already dawn. One of the men loosened the rope on her foot but left her hands tied. They were all vigilant, watching her every move. The effects of the drug they injected her with were still present; she still felt weak and dizzy when she tried to move.

She looked around, it was slightly bright now, and she could see her surroundings. They were in front of a large white mansion surrounded by a green garden. The pleasant scent of various flowers filled the air. They were definitely in the countryside.

The whole mansion was adorned with exquisite and meticulously chosen items, some of which looked like Philippine antiques. She was captivated by the beauty of the sunrise that she could clearly see through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls that separated the house from nature. The room she entered was stunning, and the views outside were even more breathtaking.

Her attention was drawn to the tall figure facing away from her, watching the sunrise along with her.

"Boss, she's here."

She widened her eyes at what the man said. Apparently, the leader of these long-lost PSG looked like a sophisticated English grasshopper. Maybe that's why he didn't acknowledge her earlier, he couldn't understand her.

The man with his back turned slightly nodded in recognition. After that, they left her alone in the spacious room.

Hannah couldn't help but grin. This boss, with his swagger, was in for trouble. They removed the ropes from her hands, but even though he was tall and broad-shouldered, he wouldn't stand a chance against her in a brawl. She'd hit him repeatedly until he coughed up coins. The nerve of him, having the audacity to drag her in front of his people! No one could do that to her!

"So, you're the Boss. Face me then! What do you want from me?!" she shouted, fearless. Even though his men were outside.

The man didn't respond.

This only annoyed her further.

"You're so arrogant! I told you to face me!"

The man placed the red wine glass he was holding on the side table nearby. She was getting irritated because he seemed indifferent to what she was saying. After the power display he showed her earlier, he was acting like he wanted her to kneel just to get some attention? Of all the things she disliked, it was people like him, arrogant and full of themselves just because they were rich!

"If you think I'm scared of you because of the number of your men outside, you're wrong! If you don't want to get hurt, release me now!"

No answer. Damn it. Did she have to switch to spanish?

"When someone's talking to you, face them, are you an alien? Can't you understand english? Do you want me to kick you?!"

She noticed the man's clenched fists; he was probably annoyed with what she said. Slowly, he turned towards her.

Her jaw literally dropped.

Her eyes widened.

She blinked ten times.

Her forehead was damp with sweat even though the room was cool.

Those intelligent brows...

Those firm and arrogant lips...

And the icy cold stare...

Was this for real? It felt like he was ripped out of the pages of Prince of Hell magazine and presented to her in the flesh. Goodness gracious! It wasn't just her jaw that dropped, but her heart, liver, and kidneys too! Her whole system went into a riot because the man she'd desired for so long was now standing right in front of her!

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