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'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

Chapter 3 The Loathsome Prince

Word Count: 2527    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

er had worn off because she no longer felt dizzy, but she instinctively held her stomach when she got up. She r

nob, but it was locked. She attempted to kick and po

swered. She noticed the sweat on her body due to the intense heat in the room. Didn't those people think to give her an electric fan? That demon Drico was shameless. She ha

t streamed down her entire body, and she felt like her stomach was eating itself due to hunger. She

od in front of her. She had to crane her neck to look at him. He had a pl

or. Damn! "What do you think I am, a dog in here? Let me out!" Before she could e

raps of people outside could be considered food. She was sure many

e. Then he would treat her like this? It was heartbreaking. She'd rather they never met.

her body desperately needed to escape that place. She devo

looked at the door. She could open the doorknob from the inside, but not the double loc

er system in this basement? When triggered, how far would the water reach from

er pocket for security reasons. It was often borrowed from her at work. It seemed luck was still on her side. Using her r

ared her body and mind. She needed to

thes began to burn, and in a mome

activate and sprayed water everywhere. She g

with a powerful kick to the face and opened the door. It was the t

r fists were strong. This time, she used her feet. It was more forceful than her fists. She had advan

the fire exit doors underground. She reached the ground floor of the house, free. 'Damn it!' she cursed. The mansion was so vast, she didn't know where the exit on the ground floor was. But she

a man approached her, attempting to throw a punch, she immediately evaded. Then she kicked him in the face. She did the same to the secon

eeded to numb herself. She retaliated with a kick to his stomach, then followed up with a strike to his face. Whe

. Not all the doors on the ground floor were included. She searched for something to break the door.

mprison me, Drico DiVanne. Your luck has run out,' she whispered to herself.

she was taken aback when a strong hand stopped her. It felt like ste

he person who owne

Vanne. It was th

n try to m

ldn't let it slide. Since he was holding her hand, she tried to maneuver her body so she could kick his knee t

really hard; that was the only way to make him let go, but it seemed like he could read her mind, and he still evaded. She

rst time, she felt so helpless. She knew why this man could easily disable her. He was a level 10 black

orted, even though she winced from the pain. It got worse when he kicked the back of her knee, and

time,' he re

d, even though her knees felt like they might give way. He had he

ot you in the head!' he threatened, forcefully running

even a hair on my sister's head, and I'll be the

at she said. But his

. His hand gently caressed the side of her face, bringing his face close to hers. She had to turn her head away. '...and I'll make yo

d her back to that

to my p

the center was a chair. This was not a child's playroom. This was a torture room. What kind

th fear. What did this man intend to do? Did he plan to hurt her


could do was sit in the chair surrounded by the terrifying torture devices. She didn't know if all o

chair. In front of

now," the demon-like figure sneered, han

asshole," she

f ice poured over her. Her entire body literally shivered. She took a deep b

g to act tough? Or will y

s day, Dric

nother bucket of ice rained down on her, c

ion? My God! She couldn't help but close her eyes and silently beg for help f

!" Drico

and even if I did, I would

n to you if that live wire touches your skin? You'll convulse slowly until your hear

is talk, you think

te brave..." His sharp gaze traveled down her neck, down to the curve of her chest, distinctly visibl

t read his thoughts, but suddenly, she be

e ordered his men. Hannah was terrified beyon

learly enjoying their boss's intentions. She tried to break free, but every time she pulled

ith this man. If only she knew he was capable of

proached to undress her. "No! P

ind of torture. If this happened, she'd never be able to stand again. Guard

der before the man's hands t

e seemed

f the camera in front. "That's enoug

face remained blank as he took the camera in front of her and left the room. His men had

osphere suddenly change? What

ge cold again, seeping through he

few years older than her. She brought clothes and a robe. She was disappointed. Wh

re crazy, you

pered to

hot bath and change," the uni

it. What is he worried about

otic person really i

aded for the shower to let the ho

room, she will do everythi

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