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'The Billionaire's Stolen Heritage

Chapter 2 The Evil

Word Count: 1888    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

ment or curl up in a ball from the overwhelming rush of emotions. He started speaking, and she knew this because his naturally red lips moved. Unfortunatel

e's a Greek billionaire. In short, it was impossible for him to be in f

ctoria... dam

sister's name, and second, he just cursed her. What on earth wa

ortunately, he spoke in Greek, and she didn't understand a word. But b

composure. "You need to speak Tagal

owed his b


cca Victoria's younger sister,

curiosity piqued. "What's y

ry. "Lethal. She has made a grave sin by betra

omeone like him, one of the members of the Princes of Hell. They were known for their psychotic tendencie

spoke Tagalog, she knew that for a fact. "Whatever crime you thi

her. Do you know what the royal family of Greece does when a servant steals? They cut off their

u have no right to take someone's life, no ma

ivanne's way of punishment. I can

sister done to you? She's not a t

a long time. I never imagined her, taking the most precious possession I have. My goblet. The symbol of all the DiVanne clan's heritag

d. "My sister is

ccomplice, i


e. I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of finding you and bringing you here if I wasn't sure. I'm

he had practically worshipped this man, who had only existed on the pages of her magazine, maybe it was because he was the subject of nearly all her dreams. She

ntonio DiVanne. And you're right, my ability to manipulate eve

holder, the second most wicked person in the busi

down her spine. 'Don't you still understand why you're here? You're my prisoner. I'm goin

ide, but with all she had read and heard from this man, she was certain that his angelic a

s who will loo

t involved? Do you want me to systematica

was truly wicked. A grand folly she

e more, the merrier. I'll enjoy every mome


media call me again? Prince of Hell? Well, at least if I float you and y

se, Drico Divanne.

nal. I'm one of those few who can get

river without getting caught. She jumped when her phone rang. It w

s. When Rebecca calls the landline at your plac

In the end, she chose to answer the p

o, Li

friend star

g intently to every word. 'Lira, listen to me, when Ate Rebecca call

ed to outsmart the man in front of her. Before she could even sa

e couldn't reach the phone because of his height. She tried anyway, driven by her desire to retrieve it. In doing so, she accidentally bump

n't bear the electricity that surged

his for some time, until your traitor

e left her i

l weak, she could only comply. She hadn't though

, it was still scary. She knew that if she turned off the lights, it would look like the basement of a hau

her heart, especially when the m

there be a power o

ot missing two legs. She approached it. There was a lot of dust, but she had to endure it because it seemed sh

ne. They would naturally laugh. It was customary for her to say she was with Drico whenev

g. Between the two of them, her sister was the kinder one and followed th

to be the first to see her sister t

room. The cot. There was only one way to level its legs and

h just one kick, the third leg of the bed s

s surpassed almost every guy she knew. She was strong, brave, so she had no intention of backi

he was h

hought he was already extremely handsome in photos, but he was even more int

all the fantasies she had for him, she needed to fight. For now, she needed to

. That's what she used to wipe down the cot full of dust. It

he was good-looking, there's no e

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