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Hello Professor

"Jazz! I miss you!" A literal shout happened on the phone call between the two because it had been a long time since they last talked. My catching up with Jazz and Frances was interrupted when there was a knock, and Frances's mom and dad entered her room. "Frances?" her Mommy asked, so she turned to face them. "Are you busy? Can we talk to you for a minute?" Her mom spoke gently while looking at her. Frances bid farewell to her best friend, promising to meet later, before facing her parents. "Yes, mommy?" "Child," her mom cleared her throat, glancing at her husband. "You're getting married." Frances blinked several times before the words sank in. You're.. Getting.. Married.. Frances sighed, remembering what happened a few days ago. She couldn't comprehend it. She wasn't even eighteen yet! "Francey, Don't be depressed na," her best friend comforted. "Besides, you know your future husband, right?" Jazz teased. That's what annoyed Frances the most about all this. Of course, she knows who! Her groom-to-be is none other than the guy she hates the most! He's Jiro Martine, Jazz's older brother and the most annoying guy in her life!

Chapter 1 1

"I don't wanna go to school—ever! Frances can't express her true feelings well due to frustration and disappointment.

REBELLION TOO! This is rebellion!

She's irritated with her mommy and daddy because of the decisions they made.

Why is it like that? Why do they need to meddle even in things she should decide? It's not that she isn't grateful to have them; it's just that...

She's really annoyed! She's truly irritated because they didn't fulfill their promise.

Ever since Frances was a little girl, she has been in the finest school for young girls. She was raised with one simple motto in life...

"You're born to please your parents."

Her tutor always tells her that. She must be perfect. She should be perfect.

She holds a grudge against her parents because... They had a deal about college. They agreed that once she's in college, she can choose what she wants. Like the degree she wanted to pursue...

She feels helpless all the time. She lives like their puppet...

Is she mean? It seems like a bad way to describe her parents.

Actually, her parents are kind. Like they always tell her, "We don't want anything but the best for you, anak." They've been saying that since she was a child. She knows that, of course. But, she feels helpless and impaired all the time.

But how is that? What is their definition of the best for her?

She feels caged and restricted to reach out to the real world. Frances feels like she has no right to make decisions for herself.

At first, she was happy because... They let her choose the college degree she wanted to pursue.

She wanted to be an Architect. Architect Frances Angeline Nicole.

But she didn't know there was a catch.

"Frances?" She was so engrossed with drawing when she heard a knock. It was Manang's voice.

Frances quickly stood up from the study table and opened the door. It was indeed Manang.

"Why?" Frances politely answered the elderly woman while smiling.

"Oh, my. My ward has grown so much." The old lady said while gently stroking her hair.

"Manang, what do you need? Is there a problem?" Frances asked the elderly woman with a smile.

"Your mommy and daddy are in the living room." She replied with a smile.

"Really?" Frances ran downstairs in surprise. She couldn't hide her excitement. Her parents are here!

"MOMMY! DADDY!" She shouted even though she was only halfway down the stairs. She saw them sitting on the sofa even though their backs were turned; she knew they were here.

"Frances, anak." Her daddy stood up and welcomed Frances at the bottom of the stairs.

Frances didn't even realize her parents had visitors.

She just smiled and walked towards them. "Hi, Tita Marie!" She approached and gave her mother's friend a kiss. Then she saw her Uncle Pat. "Hi, Tito!" Frances also approached and kissed him.

"Oh! Frances! You're a young lady now!" Marie hugged the girl.

"Auntie? Is Jazz with you?" Frances asked excitedly. Jazztine is her best friend, the youngest daughter of the couple Marie and Patrick.

"No, Frances. She's not here. She's with her grandmother. They're still in the province. I don't know when Mama will bring Jazztine back."

"Oh. What a shame." Frances missed her best friend a lot! They haven't seen each other for months!

"It's okay, they'll be coming home soon... Jeanne, when will Ji be back?"

"Tonight, I think."

They haven't seen each other for a long time, so they spent a few hours catching up. It's very nice to have some fun like this once in a while.

"Bye Auntie, Uncle! Take care! Send my regards to Jazz!" Frances said before Pat and Marie left.

"Sure! Bye! Lovelots!" And they left. Before Frances could even enter the house, her phone rang.



She didn't need to check who it was. Just the tone of the voice, and Frances knew it was Jazz.

"Jazz! I miss you!" They literally screamed through the phone, as it had been a long time since they last talked.

My catching up with Jazz was interrupted when there was a knock, and Frances' mom and dad entered her room.

"Frances?" her Mommy asked, so she turned to face them. "Are you busy? Can we talk to you for a minute?" Her mommy said gently, looking at her daughter.

Frances said goodbye to her best friend, promising to meet her after the talk, before facing her parents.

"Yes, mommy?"

"Anak." Her mommy nodded and glanced at her husband. "You're getting married."

Frances blinked several times before her mom's words sank in.

You're... Getting... Married...

Frances just sighed, remembering what happened a few days ago. She couldn't understand why; she's not even eighteen yet!

"Francey, don't be depressed." Her best friend comforted her. "Besides, you know who your future husband is." Jazz teased her friend.

That's what Frances finds most annoying about all this. Of course, she knows who!

Her groom-to-be is none other than the guy she hates the most! He's Jazz's older brother, part of the Toletino family. Of course, she knows!

It's Jiro Martine, the most annoying guy in her life!

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