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The Elephant God


Word Count: 4083    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

down to the ground besid

t you manage to get away in the darkness? You know the jungle so well. Ple

every side of them resounded to a pandemonium of noise: a chorus of wild shrieks, shots, the crashing of tram

terrible thing is hap

sker, which struck him to the ground, trampled on him, kicked and knelt upon his lifeless body until it was crushed to a pulp, then placing one forefoot on the man's chest, wound his trunk round the legs

yells of the wretches who were meeting with an awful fate. He remained motionless against the tree, hoping to escape the notice of the fierce animals, whom he could see plunging through the jungle in pursuit of their prey, for they wer

said. "It's Badshah. He has br

the terrible pursuit seemed to be passing farther away. The giant avengers were still crashing through the jun

and repeated his words. The girl, still shud

and laid his hand on

," he said. "I am i

en he stepped back and said: "Now we'll go at once, Miss Dal

recovered her courage

blood on your face and on yo

ughed rea

t it. They are only scratches. The skin is cut,

ed Noreen on to the pad. But before he took his own seat he searched the undergrowth around the glade and found many corpses of men almost unrecognisable as human bodies, so crushed and battered were

did not attempt to guide the elephant, but placed himself so that his body would shield the girl from the danger of being struck by overhangi

"You must be on your guard against bein

ave all these terrible things really happened in the

nk of them," he answer

you are so much in the jungle. Oh, my forest that I thoug

. "You have been very fortunate; for you have crammed more excitement and adv

s herd to our rescue? But I know he did. I heard him call them. When he ran off I th

silent for a mom

n that way. It would seem impossible, and no European would credit it. Native

xclaimed in surprise. "Surely you believe that

thers wouldn't believe us, and I don't want to emphasise the marvellous part of the story. I'd rather people thoug

w. It will be just our own secret

e pressure of Dermot's arm about her and the sensation of being utterly alone with him in a world of their own, as they wer

he warm blood mantle her face as she realised that she was nestling in Dermot's arms. But, drowsy

asleep," she sai

th regret, for he had found the long miles through the forest almost short, while the gir

red the house Dermo

e darkness. A little distance from the bungalow a large number of coolies, seated on the ground,

ain and called ou

tic rush down th

the Major," cr

leham's with him. Hoo

mot!" came in

houting, excited men th

are you there? Are you sa

o him, while Dermot was dragged off the pad by the eager hands of a dozen men who thumped him on the back, pulled

d returned, but in his heart he cursed the man who had saved her. He was roughly thrust aside by Parry, w

I know what he wants. Here's what w

tents gratefully, though their strength made him coug

?" said Fred Daleham, coming to him

ive their congratulations and expressions of delight at seeing her safe and sound. Meanwhile

m," he said. "It was just that I had the luck to be the first

k. "Of course we'd all have liked to do it, but none of us could

s what happe

ou find he

rred, Miss

put up a f

d a torrent of questions o

rmot, laughing. "Give us time.

nce, boys. Don't crow

em. Let's have some li

servants? Bring o

s have a decent blaze.

, anything that would burn. Others despatched coolies to the factory near by to fetch wood, broken ch

unded, Dermot!"

Just a

it's nothing," said Noreen. "Do see

er and well-meant attempts to drag him into the house and tend hi

his? The elephant's tus

lood to the eyes,"

ct that Badshah's tusk, trunk, and leg

! he's been w

k? Why, it's fragments

men. But the mass of coolies, who had been pressing forward to

ho can withstand the

the god? The elephant or his rider? Tell

he questions showered

he expostulated. "It's a long story. But please remember t

girl. "Not now. I was fatigued,

hole story there," said her brother. "The servants wi

ra, whateffer," cried Parry, who was already half drunk. "Her

oup of servants and approached apprehensivel

in Bengali. "Bring liquor here. All

gar dodged with the ease of long practic

m round his sister, who, woman-like, escaped to change her dress and make herself presentable, as she put it

that he had taken upon their assailants. And from the verandah the planters looked at animal and master and commented in low tones on the st

and there throughout the hot night hours the groups sat on the ground

who is not as other sahibs," said

ib?" asked an old man. "Is he tru

te?" said a youth, presumptuously thrustin

ir grandsires?" demanded a grey-haired coolie contemptuously. "Know, boy, tha

f all their mythological heaven, is represented in the cheap coloured

rm rattling as she raised her hand to draw her sari over her face when she thus ad

. Shri Krishn has many incarnat

," remarked an elderly coolie. "It may

Gunesh," ventur

e Krishna," chimed in another. "What lesser

he jungle and the mountains at the head of all the elephants of the

those whom he protects. The Bhuttias, ignorant pagans that they are, carried off the missie baba he favours. What, think ye, has

arment of fancy to drape the reputation of elephant and man. The godship that the common belief had long endowed Badsha

of the planters belonged to a Volunteer Light Horse Corps, and some of them, expecting a fight, had put on khaki when they got Daleham's summons. Their rifles, revolvers, and cartridge belts were piled on the verandah. Chunerbutty, feeling that his presence among them

, looking dainty and fresh in a white muslin dress, unlike the heroine of her recent tragic experience,

n, Major," she sai

arry on the tale," w

ce towards where the soldier sa

ail easy enough to see, though I confess that I would have lost it once but for my elephan

" asked Granger, his ho

my elephant and we started back. But like a fool I stopped on the way to have grub, and somebody began shooting

ence. Then Granger, in d

u're the very worst. One would think you'd only been for a stro

ame as that, Major," said another planter. "We ex

ter thirty or

-two all told,"

n you and your elephant up to his eyes in blood and-and-

you tell us what happened. I know Dermo

en," said her brother. "I'm sure it

o last me all my life, dear. I think that Major Dermot has put

e details of their picnic meal and slurring over their relief by the wild elephants. The planters listened eagerly to her tale, bre

story would not deceive a child, whateffer. But I

arrangement of the supper-table they plied him with questions without extracting much more information from him. But when a servant came to ann

ring and continued: "I'd be obliged if during supper you'd make no allusion before the servants to what has happ

agreed. Before they left the room Daleham noticed

wonder where he is? Perhaps he doesn't know we're goi

who, seated by a table on which drinks had been placed, had

s keep to our own colour tonight. Things might be s

"But I have a very particular reason, which I'll explai

engali among us tonight, Fred,

lied their host. "But I'm afraid his feelings will be hurt at being left o

! Think of ours," crie

own way. Let's go in to

every man in the district, this night there was added universal gladness at her escape and the feeling of satisfaction that the outrage on her had been so promptly avenged. While the girl was pleased with the warmth and sincerity of the congratulations showered upon her, she was secretly delighted to see the high esteem in which all the other men held Dermot. He was seated beside her and shared with her the good wishes of the compa

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