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The Billionaire’s Contract Bride

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 27/10/2023

n the bus. At some point, I wonder why I'm all insecure. I don't know this man before so why do I feel so insecure when I see him? I

ting the word in my mind. I don't want

I didn't want my eyes to linger on them for long. But I was sure I counted six of them. I refuse to meet their

while she served them the bread. This means I have to

im to say it? After all, they are rich and they don't care about the poor like me. I did the same to th

led it on his body . " ouch" he moved back immedi

aned his shirt. I kept cleaning until I felt him touch my han

do your job next time,

anything, instead shook his head at the

mean to spill the coffee o

ed " I'll take it from here. Y

ft immediately. I was so

ything on any customer. This is the first and why does it have to be him? Worse he is one of the we

some water on my face and cleaned the water with a towel. I took in

ey know I should be in the VIP room but I was

knew what he wanted to ask

eyes " I'm

ng happened in there. You either

will make a complaint to the boss. How am I going to defend myself? I didn't mean for this to ha

d that is because it brings me b

one of the customers

over his mouth with my palm. He can't be sh

he wouldn't say anything I released my hand and breath " I'm scared right

ould help you right now I would have helped you " he said

ive but this job. I don't know

the boss would take it lightly with you. You've never made

ople are powerful. They are rich. They all are

th " Can you be p

should also think about the worse tha

would send you away. The worst he can do is to suspen

e same," I sai


at me and said "Please be good . I'm go

em. It'll be a workload for her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know if I can thank

to while away time. I took some time off and then Debra final

ng I took it to the kitchen and came back

eed help ?

she was tired but didn't want

hat I can do to help ". Said to her and she thought about it for a

w I've learnt my lesson. I'll only ho

e only thing remaining is the dessert and it'

'll be there

elp right now " She rushed back ins

was. This is why the boss wanted Debra and me to take care of

He stared at me and seemed surprised that I had come back. I broke eye contact and walked to the

s done I went to stand close to Debra.

ound," she said with a smil

em to be friends cos of how well they know each other. I use that moment to study

ed my eyes at him. I moved my eyes to the next person and he had a black hair. He looks so fit and well-built. T

kind of guys I find attractive. I stopped myself before I

was when my whole being became destabilized. He raised a brow at me and

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