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The Billionaire’s Contract Bride

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 27/10/2023


y complimented our meal and the boss promised to top up our incentives for this. Debra was so happy. I was happy too. Bu

o scared thinking they would lay

n your face when you spilled the

I've never made such a mi

brows " I thin

brow" Why

serve everyone perfectly but when you got to his side, y

! No! I don't know what you are talki

't you heard of lo

ike him. I was only shy cos I

"OK then. If

Debra checked her wristwatch and whistled "It's time t

I'll take over your shift

er favor "Thanks a lot " sh

ild. I think that is the best decision they will ever make cos David is such a happy child and he is loved by a lot

g a child. We have so many goals to achieve and I don't want to end up like my mom. I want t

It is almost time to close. I promised Sasha that I'd be coming to her house when I got

leave my friend whe


good to go, I made my way out of the shop after saying goodbye to Harry. Harry wanted to drop me off but I declined. I didn't want to be a hindrance to him. He has been dropp

s. Why I take the bus is cos they are cheaper a

next bus. My phone rang in my bag. I in

s and picked it

rom you? I don't have any sanitary in the ho

uilty " Mom I was just there with you on Saturday.

ey or blame me for somethin

some money into your account but Mom

spending. Most of my salary ends up with her...I make sure to give her all that she wants. I never want her to l

re. I'm going to keep my head up high and pretend like nothing happened. I've

lly came an


s with her parent. There was no point in her getting an

for me to come in whenever I want. I went inside and made my way to h

e summons me inside her room

her in her bed. I dropped my bag and gave her m

for a hug instantly "What's wrong with you Sasha

ed me on the phone just to inform me that m

are you getting married to? I know you have a boyf

ction and it was so fortunate that Dad knows his parent. This journey Dad went to is to set

n know each other that well. I know you met just a mo

t to get married now. I tried co

our boyfriend? Is

m but he kept his calm. We are both in the

orry. If only I knew how I could be

rs " I know. It's

ou love Ma

an swear that he is a good man. I like him so much but

to talk to your parent about this. They nee

nt when it comes to his business. I'm very sure this is about some business

the expense of their children's happiness

eed my friend with me in this hard tim

nt to the bus guy. I don't e

r brows " How i

ke but Debra came to the rescue," I said imagin

d happened but what d

fee on a Greek

comfortable with talking about my crush too. I guess it's

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