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The Billionaire’s Contract Bride

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 2072    |    Released on: 27/10/2023



s I left it but the only thing that didn't change one bit was Dad. That man is on my case an

e my friends come around for a visit. We are named as the youngest millionaires. I don't mean to be too proud b

stairs for breakfast. The maids greeted me as they si

le. The lost man always delivers it to my home cos I don't want to miss out on any news. As a bus

oto of Max and a lady. I'm sure she is his new girlfriend. If only this lady knew how he i

d in the magazine that he was getting married to the said la

'm sure this is because of the intervention of his parent. I won't be surprised to kno

get married. All I want is my youthful life. Most of those ladies are gold diggers. They only want money so the better

for a rush. I will go to the office on my own time. It took me a few more min

waiting for me. He opened the door for me to get inside and

and dad. Those two won't let me be. Dad wants me to get married or he sets me up with one of h

he car where he was

pocket. I got out of the car and made my way to the offi



levator with my secretary. Well, she would soon be my ex-worker cos she t

t for her and she had made her decision. It's time I get


iled at how far I've grown this company. It's been one of my wishes since I was in college. I've always wanted to be the most feared CEO in the world.

n most magazines but I think it's high time the whole world knows who I was. They've heard

was back. I was done with my research and

d be ready for war cos I'm goin

saw who was calling. I groaned when I saw who


e to scold me about the same thing. I'm sure he wants to put some sense in me as he always calls it. It s funny how Da

y. He said I could buy love with money at the end of the day. I know it's absurd

y door and I was sure

inside. For sixty years man. He sti

n your office now," he

aren't you supposed to be at work

to be a granddad," he said. I rolled m

't have anyone now. When I

know you bring in women to your bed but w

interest me,"

you to sleep with

t my love life or should I

t down " I came here to gi

ws confused " Wha

and in return, I want somethin

thing. Dad won't be here just because he came to

aid ready to hear wh

. He is also filthy rich and has a lot to offer when it comes t

So what is this

in the states right now. In return, one gets millions of dollars. I've been trying to get that but luck i

out it ?"

s together " I was o

" I couldn't resist

Yeah I know. I kno

. This deal will make Dad a billionaire.

thing is I don't

fused "Wh

s also building your brand. I think this deal will


he said and there was this look on his face that I fear the most.

a straight face " W

e " In return I want you t

on my saliva "

ou son. It either you tak

to me right now " but I don't have

lp you look for " he suggested

said in

. You either find a bride and tak

e to think things

eed answers now. I came

h out so

ve you, " I sa

expect the worst. I've taught you that a

k sake. Let me think abou

ave this office now, just k

hat this meant to me and was trying to give m

et this deal leave me. I need it more th

. I'll t

was happy I accepted it

me a pen

en as an agreement. It states that I get married in two

get married first before I

't want to be tricked

nt. I hope I don't regret this. Now I have

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