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Bridging Worlds

Chapter 3 The Pursuit of Shadows

Word Count: 4661    |    Released on: 31/10/2023

e of E

ok of worry etched across her young face. She had dreamt something that had left her deeply unsettled. Elara, a woman of unwavering strength with her long, flowi

"I saw a symbol I didn't recognize, and there were some lifeless

steaming mug of herbal brew at the rough-hewn wooden table. Their family cons

distress. "Oh, Rosche, dreams can be mysterious, often influenced by our thoughts a

his mug. "Indeed, dreams can be fleeting illusions. They can

his one felt different, more vivid and haunting. "But this one felt so real,

lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I understand your concern, Rosche, but sometimes, dr

d mead in front of Rosche, and gave her a reassuring smile. "Eat, my dear

on her tongue, but the dream's vivid imagery still clung to her like a h

aily routines. Omar and Elara focused on their duties in their mystical world, while Geran, the eldest,


place as its people gathered in the heart of the kingdom for a funeral that would determine the fate of the realm

ng candles and a breathtaking display of white roses, his gravely wounded body finally at rest.

grief. Queen Melisandre, their mother, stood with them, her regal bearing concealing the immense sorrow in her heart. Duk

the glory of their kingdom, but today, they were sealed shut, serving

creet glances, their rivalry hidden from the prying eyes of the citizens. They kne

supporters among the nobility. Their competition for the throne

disputes behind closed doors. "My sons, your rivalry threatens to undermine the stab

mained unyielding. Each was determined to ascend to the thron

power struggle unfolding within the royal family. The prophecy of the dark entity and the broken seals,

figures within the kingdom. The citizens, unaware of the simmering tension at the royal court, hoped for a p

of the power struggle silently raging between the two royal brothers. The future of the kingdom remained unce

ister entity, shrouded in shadows, had harnessed newfound strength, enabling him to command the forces of the netherwor

g grin, "Go and make my presence felt as you spre

eir razor-sharp fangs gleamed in the dim light as they unfurled their leathery wings, casting haunting shadows on the desolate landscape

intent. As they approached the realm of Arantle, a dreadful sense of foreboding filled the

the castle's highest tower, gazing out across the expansive landscape. His heart weighed heavy with concern as he pondered the

guardian's death, all Eclipsarians' magic will weaken, and no

his brows furrowed in worry. "Who,

ng prince and spoke with a mixture of det

listair is so powerful! How can this happe

are bound by the ancient laws that forbid us from meddling with the balance of the world. Even Alistair,

he gravity of their predicame

kingdom and stand with our allies against this emerging darkness. The fate of Chromaeria rests on our shoulders

ands. Winged demons, the harbingers of fear, now darkened the skies and terrorized every corner of the real

led together, seeking refuge within the confines of their cottages, torches flickering in the oppressive gloom. Mothers held the

rim battle. One of them, an elder mage, his voice filled with resolve, addressed the crowd, "We canno

ippled through the gathered villagers. But

red pained glances. They knew that the demonic scourge had reached even their neighbors. T

stal Peaks were doing their utmost to maintain the weakening barrier that protect

oice. "Get in, this will take you to a safe place!" The students, their faces etc

had a deep concern for their beloved Professor Eldric

filled with worry, "We

essors, engaged in a fierce battle against the relentless de

ked, his voice filled with urgenc

she tended to injured students, replied, "They'

c, I don't think we can hold on any longer. These demons keep coming, and the

ise a plan, stated, "We must evacuate the students first, and then we'll fig

g their weapons against the encroaching demons. Nearby, Geran wielded his

mon attacks, shouted to Geram,

his brow, replied, "She's sa

lder, as they fought against the relentless demonic h

ed as the demonic onslaught continued its relentless advance, plunging the entire realm into a

skills in martial arts and magic to battle the encroaching demons. The fight was fierc

end off the demons. "What are you two still doing here? Find Master Gaza and get out of here!" Ma

ng with concern, asked,

her worry, "We can'

ured them, "I'll be

rough the chaotic battlefield, seeking out M

e other masters, "As a senior master of the Crystal Peak, I am ord

ood the urgency of the situation and followed his command. They hurr

sage to the designated location. Roshe and Eamon shared worried glances, but

ealized that he had to contain the demons to prevent them from causing harm to other villages. He made a di

less horde closing in on him. In his final moments, with unwavering determination, he whispered

surged one last time. As he unleashed a torrent of energy to seal them wit

nd Master Eldric's noble sacrifice was complete, hi

the students and masters landed with a collective sigh of relief. The air was thick

asked one of the masters, "Where's Mast

plained, "He chose to stay behind to protect us

m the students. "We will do everything we can to protect our families

thoughts of her family in Ebonvale. "I need t

We will accompany you to your homes and help yo

approached Roshe. "I'll come with you to

danger, nodded in agreement. "I

tudents. As the shimmering gateways formed, they bore the resolve of those who had just faced a

ssurance, they stepped through the portals, their journey t

g Sirius, the esteemed head of the Twelve Mages Council, to each of the twelve kingdoms. The parchmen

oud to his council, "I have learned of the tragic demise of one of our council members. As the leader of the council, I hereby order the king

turned to his council and said, "We must honor this decree and stand united in the face o

ingdom of Luminora, King Arell received the message and declar

ing Rhenus ordered, "Our elite warriors are prepared fo

Sirius's call with unwavering determination. They summoned their elite soldiers, who were renowned for their braver

ble sight. Twelve different banners, each representing a distinct kingdom and its magical heritage, now stood side by side.

n about, while the few survivors were injured and overwhelmed. Lord Omar, Rosche's father, was among the wounded, his body bearing the scars

e, and Eamon arrived, launching into battle with a newfound energy. Master Gaza and Eamon fought

could see the pain in their eyes. Her father managed to

he replied, "I'm here, Dad. We're

composure, added, "We've held ou

their safety amidst the ongoing chaos. But in the mids

t, her father blocked the attack with his body, sacrificing himself to save his daughter

his hand fall limp, a poignant symbol of his passing. Her brother wept

hing scene, exchanged somber glances but understo

check on Rosche and her family. They've suff

family. He understood the pain they were

glow appeared on Rosche's forehead, though she seemed unaware of it. Her moth

if under a spell. This pendant was with you when we discovered you." She placed the pendant in Rosche's hand. "We exhausted our magic to wake you up. The voice in that

in disbelief. "What ar

gical daughter, but you've always been our own. We love you, Rosche. Now it's

Rosche asked, her voice

ant in your hand has some symbols; we can't read it, but maybe it has something to do wi

atigued from the relentless battle, and the demons showed no signs of relenti

ination, dragged Rosche and Geran toward the conjured portal. Master Gaza, who had opened the portal, urged them through

mons. She knew she had to act swiftly. She rushed into her home, her

ncy cache they had prepared for just such dire circumstances. With a determined wave, she

llow her. As they converged upon her home, the echoes of their collective roar re

sion rocked the village. The very ground beneath their feet trembled with the force of the de

o, their forms engulfed by the explosive force. The village, once under siege, was now consumed by f

with tension as Master Gaza, Eamon, Ro

Master Gaza assured, her voice

. Geran, equally stunned by the recent revelations, struggled to find hi

e food. We need to regain our strength." He felt the weight of the respons

lickering with concern. "Demons are everywhere, an

ing Rosche and Geran to grappl

d finally broke the silence. "Did you know?" She gaz

reflecting confusion

t my parents," Rosche said calmly, as if

y told you?" He approached his sister, his hear

sorrow. "Why didn't they tell me earlier? It just makes me feel so guilty." Tears streamed

when my real sister died. My mom couldn't accept the loss, and when they found you on that mountain,

t even protect them!" Her anger towards herself was palpable. "And you," s

asn't your fault, Rosche. We might not be blood-related, but you will alw

er brother's embrace. Tears fell as she reciprocated his love, a

drawn by the scent of blood and the remnants of the battle

as injured, and Rosche rushed to his aid. When the demons circled them again, Rosche in

ccurred. A surge of energy emanated from her palms, an immense force that radiated from within. The

and amazement. He glanced around to ensure no on

could sense the sudden eruption of energy. It felt Rosche's presence,

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