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Bridging Worlds

Chapter 8 Unseen Danger: The Threat in Ignisfell

Word Count: 2402    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

the sun had not yet begun its descent below the horizon. Eowyn, a cunning and resourceful scout, had be

im light of early evening cast eerie shadows across the barren landscape a

mountain so we can prepare our ambush," one

that will stay in the camp," the second g

ibility. "We might also bring the magical barrier, but don't worry, we'll replace it with Etherweave Veil. Although it'

, their voices carrying through the stillness of the Gram Waste. Their conversation echoed t

derstand the gravity of the situation. With bated breath, she patiently awaited the right moment to take action. It wa

f Celestoria. As they reached the imposing city gates, a sense of solemnity hung in the air. The city, known for its vibrant life and grandeur, now seemed sh

People, like specters, moved with heavy hearts, and even the colorful banners adorning the

alice." With a shared glance, they decided to enter in search of a warm meal and a respite from their journey. As they pushed open the creaking

eir table. "Welcome, travelers," she greeted them, her voice a soothing melody i

," he said with a grin. "Start with a hearty stew, fresh bread, and a flagon of y

eriences, chimed in, "And do you have any of th

reement, adding, "Yes, we're quite hungry. A few

her curiosity as she looked around the tavern. "Wh

ince the death of King Alistair," she explained. "But there's more to it. In the absence of a strong ruler, Celestoria has become a target. Thieves, barbarians,

, while others just wanted to complete their original mission. They knew their p

stew, plates of pastries, and frothy mugs of ale. The aroma of the food was comf

hey ate in silence, each

m wa

uldn't help but notice that there were fewer guards present than before. It seemed that th

wyn's, and she could see the glimmer of hope in them. She quickly outlined her pla

han the others. I'll use my shadow magic to create an opening. While I do that, yo

the notion of "weaker" and "stronger" barr

aming with an eerie light. She carefully sliced through the barrier and wooden bars of their

way. She nodded to Davhil, and they silently slipped out of the cage. Eowyn knew th

vhil, her eyes filled with determination. "Davhil, I need you to go out of the camp first," she whispered. "Find a

eyes and knew that her bravery and intelligence were their greatest assets. Reluctantly, he nod

as swift as the shadows themselves, Davhil. We'll be

oving silently towards the camp's perimeter. He knew that Eowyn would follow, and h

their belongings from the tent without alerting the guards. She moved with the grace of a panther, her foot

cated belongings. She deftly gathered their things, her heart pounding in her chest. But as she turned to l

rds outside the tent were alerted to her presence. Without a second thought,

op her escape. With a fierce battle cry, she nocked an arrow and let it fly, the pro

und her like a protective cloak. With a fluid motion, she conjured a shadow blade, its form

he elite mages were not present in the camp. Eowyn seized the opportunity to press her advantage. She fou

cked the magical shields that had confined them, which meant that once she broke free, there would be no

t was a battle that had taken a toll on her. The siblings had arranged to meet further away fro

filled with relief as they embraced, the tight hug serving as a silent confirmation of their succe

at was shrouded in uncertainty and danger. Eowyn whispered, "We made it, Davhil. Now we nee

owyn. Our escape has given us a chance to uncover the truth. We need to un

nformation they had gleaned from the guards' conversation. The target that the guards

l, Minstr

e paid and stepped outside, scanning the empty streets of the mourning c

ged man approached them, his face etched with pain and despera

step forward and inquired, "W

th, revealed, "We're being attacked by barbarians

dle-aged man, her eyes fixed on his. "I want to help, but can you please tell

eling to gather supplies when the barbarians came out of nowhere. There were at least a dozen of them, armed and ruthless. The

lled with empathy as she inquired, "Can you give us more details about where this happened? We ne

st beyond the Forest of Silverbark, there's a narrow trail leading to the mountain pass. We had

t. Rosche turned to Geran and Kiryo, her voice steady and determined. "Geran, Kiryo

his sister, nodded in agre

tly recovered from an illness, added

aged man's description of the area. The man was able to provide detailed information about the

. Eamon's voice was filled with a sense of urgency. "We need to get there quickly, Rosche. The people in

'm with you, Eamon. We can't let

ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead. Their mission was clear: to

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