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Bridging Worlds

Chapter 4 The Prophecy Awakens

Word Count: 4329    |    Released on: 31/10/2023

even the brightest of days, the dark entity stirred. A sinister presence ema

isle, the dark entity gasped as it fe

e reverberated, a guttural scr

ed. "My lord, what has happened?" The figure inquired,

rgy, turned its attention to the hooded figure. "I

aks of?" The hooded figure questione

ce. "The last time I felt such a surge of power was when I clash

of unwavering allegiance. "Do not worry, my lord. I s

ettled over the Isle of Shadows. The dark entity knew that the arrival of

Master Gaza and his apprentice Eamon found themselves deep within the forest, their baskets filled

ugh Master Gaza, causing him to stagger momentarily. His ey

el that energy surge? It originated from the very place where we left Rosche and her

or's voice. Without a second thought, they left their baskets of fruit behind and began retracing the

owstead, an ab

had just transpired. He turned to his sister, Rosche, his eyes filled with a mix o

ms. In her hands lay an ethereal, glow of light, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. "I... I don'

damaged, rendering her powerless. This sudden manifestation of magic was inexplicable. "You know my

ing heart. "I know, I know," he said in a soothing tone, "But maybe something extra

ther's words. "Maybe," she said, her voice trembling,

d find out more. Maybe it's time we explore the truth about your origin

" she exclaimed, "Mother once mentioned that she found me inside the Ve

pire. But promise me, don't tell anyone about your newfound pow

asked, her d

asily, and if they find out, they might see you as a threat, especially if you

ong with Verdant Spire?" she i

rents stumbled upon it by accident, and they never told us the full story. As far as I know, Verdant

ng with recognition. "Like the ones in the boo

the twelve kings discovered an artifact called The Aeonstone Medallion. This artifact not only granted them a form of immortality but also bound their bloodl

whispered, "They really became immortals, and if I understand co

important artifacts are said to originate from Verdant Spire. What perplexes me, though, is how our parents, mer

still pulsating in her hands. "What if it didn't collapse?" she suggested, he

urney to Verdant Spire was not just about finding answers to Rosche's newfound powers but als

as known to converge from all corners of the land. This enchanted location was nestled

, their branches swaying gently in response to his presence. The air was charged with

artifact known as the "Aethereal Orb." The orb was a relic of immeasurable power, said to be concentrated with elemental magic, and it

ancient artifact," Sirius whispered to Aigen as th

e must use it to drive away th

elemental power from the Aethereal Orb would not harm them or the land they were sworn to protect.

into the artifact, the orb began to glow with an ethereal light, its brilliance casting a warm and reassu

s. The magical shockwave expanded across the land, and in its wake, the demons who had tormented the p

lages, towns, cities, and kingdoms that had been besieged by the demonic forces were finall

ture of relief and pride. He carefully placed the Aethereal Orb b

visit the various regions of the land to offer their assistance and support. Each king em

rticularly brutal. The town's people were grateful for his visit, with the town elder saying

but others couldn't help but blame the rulers for allowing the demonic incursion to occur in the first place. King Rhenus of

ridia. The people there welcomed him with open arms, their joy and gratitude evident in their faces. "

y of their responsibility. They promised to rebuild the communities that had been

ed forest, they knew that the battle against darkness was ongoing. The Aethereal Orb had driven the demons away, but it was a

Arantle. Eleven remaining kings, each representing a different region of the land, gathered to discuss the grave situatio

crashing waves, commanded attention. "My fellow kings, we stand on the precipice of an uncertain future.

e must address the accusations and resentment some of our people harbor. They blame us for the dem

ain his frustration. "It's not our fault that the 12th seal was broken! We've all known of the prophec

Aigen is right. We must remember the prophecy. It foretold the demons' return and the brea

we need to take action. Our land is wounded, and our people are scared. We must unite and s

e past, we can forge the future. We should pool our resources, share knowledge, and collaborate on magical

tive. "I agree with Aigen. But we must also seek the wisdom of the Eldertree Spirits. They ha

tly refused to engage in any conflicts or battles. The forest is a place of ethereal beauty, with towering, gnarled trees and softly glowing leaves. Seekers of solace and wisdom visit to pay homage to the spirits, w

m the Eldertree spirits, while others hesitated, fearing the unpredictable nature of these be

se we are the strongest and wisest of Arantle's rulers. The demons thrive

m an alliance, each of us contributing our unique strengths and resources. We must also send emis

ion in the room began to dissipate. The kings recogni

st in contemplation. The weight of what he had seen in his seer eyes hung heavy on his heart. The ch

s solitude and approached him quietly. He took a seat besid

er's vision, I saw more than just the events of our time. I saw the death of King Altair, the shattered 12th seal, and the

hat do you mean, Svajone? Are you suggesting that there's a hidden meani

st fragments of a larger tapestry. King Altair's death, the demon incursion, and even the council's divisions...they

this. We've been focused on immediate challenges, but maybe we should step back and see the bigger picture. Ki

d to the signs that have been given to us. Our land is ancient, and its mysteries run deep. It's time we

enges and into the heart of the enigmatic world of Arantle. The death of King Altair, the shattered 12th seal, and the currents of discord within the council

place, anxiety gnawing at them. They had left their comrades, Rosche and Geran, behind, and

, their faces marked with a mixture of worry and relief. Tension filled the air as Master Gaza wasted no time i

fine. We didn't sense the demons initially, but then they attacked us

their story. He probed further, "The demons attacked? And someone saved

"Yes, it was a close call. But the person who saved us had to lea

abricated story, "We wanted to thank them properly, but

er him, agreed, "That was lucky. We owe this person a

"Yes, and we should improve our communica

forest and reunite with the rest of their team. Geran and Rosche exchanged uncertain glances. The prospect of

e have relatives in the nearby city. We need to visit them and make sure they're saf

, "Leaving the forest alone is far too dangerous, especially considering th

on. However, Eamon, perceptive and sensing their ulterior motives, stepped forward. He offered, "I can come

was interrupted by Master Gaza. He stated firmly, "I will only ag

"Let him come. It's the only way." The siblings reluctantly agreed to

er to the rest of their group. The forest's mystic energies hummed as the trio prepared to embark on their journey to the city, now join

to transform into water, an Aquamorpher. Their existence was considered a rarity, an amalgamation of two different magical races. They were a result of two mages from distinct lineages who dared to love, marry, and bear a child, a forbidden union in the eyes of the mag

e, urging them to seek refuge in the nearby

through the air. Concerns ranged from the safety of the city t

Eowyn's shoulders, whispered, "S

at they said is true, that the demons came from the

rotection in the cit

"I don't trust the Council of the Twelve. Haven'

Davhil i

it from our neighboring village. There must be some internal feud

sking, "What does that have

head, a mix of irritation and concern on her fac

, and someone from the Council could be helping the demons. We can't trus

ir. Rosche, feeling the weight of the situation, was the first to break it. She turned to Eamon and earnestly said, "Eamon, I

he, and I'm willing to protect you two along your journey,

new they weren't going to the city, but rather somewhere else. She

n leaving the group that I figured you h

e and thanked Eamon for not ex

lied, "It's nothing, re

ut their past. "It's funny to think that you're going to protect us

at I couldn't protect myself... it's just that I cho

ection, Geran, feeling the growing attraction between the two, turned around

ties, their trust, and the depths of their feelings for one another. The future, once uncertain, now held the promise of both danger a

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