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Thorn of Darkness

Chapter 2 Ruthless Man in a Ruthless World

Word Count: 1865    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

No one cares about how funny your jokes are or who your father is, you make your name in the underworld by your ability, speed, and strength. If you are so fat t

etting eaten alive were some main businesses. There are butchers and others too. The humans who were in this business and had good physics were called Soliden and th

irt with no sleeve or collar, Anny watched him as he got undressed, because she knew rape wasn't a big thing and there will be no one to help her, but she knew crying was futile so she just sat there ready to accept any hardship she has to suffer to stay alive. Abban took off his shoes and weights on his legs and both hands, then he pulled his shirt up and took off another weight belt from his perfectly made abs. After he had taken off all Hellborn accessories he took out a long sigh and took his pony off. His long red crimson hairs along with some white hairs covered both sides of the face. His face was covered in blood. Anny was ready for his punishment, punishment for she was weak. Abban slowly

ent to sleep. Anny eyed his half-dead body, he wasn't wearing any shirt, and half of his wounds were still bleeding, but he was sleeping like a baby. Anny didn't do anything just sat in the corner where Abban had thrown him and kept looking at Abban. Wh

with fear. Abban stood up and started walking towards the wall he had hung his stuff on, Anny was sitting on the right side of that wall. Abban started gearing up, "You will die if you don't eat and I can't have that. There's some food in that bag," Abban pointed towards a handbag lying by the window. "You can eat,

olden-haired guy said to a man sitting at the next table, he looked at him and then stood up to get drinks for them, he wasn't a waiter it was just that he was weaker than him, strong prey on weak. "Is it done?" He asked, Abban took his sword off and placed it on the table next to the other guy's sword. "Yes, we have one month to prepare for it." Junaid smiled and then let out laughter, "You are joking, right?" Then he looked at Abban's face, Junaid's face tightened up, "You gave him just one month, we can't possibly prepare for something so big in

ast, Junaid frowned. "What happened to you? What they did to the guy who used to be weakest and everyone's errand b

ave heard the story, 'From Hellburn's pit he crawled his way, Defaying death a fearsome display

Abban gave off a sigh, "Can't shake you off, can I?" No sir. Abban turned his deadly, emotionless gaze toward the chart, "There is no job on the chart today, why is that?" Junaid slurped, "You noticed," He picked his bag from the ground opened it, and showed the inside of the bag to Abban. "I took all of them, there is a total of 30 jobs, and the total people we have to kill are--" Junaid fake counted on his fingers, "Who cares?" He laughed. Abban's expression doesn't change, it never does he always seems like he is half dead and that makes him even more dangerous. "We have to do it in one day. I've to keep an eye on the girl." Junaid's jaw dropped, "You have a girl, and you bought her? Is she cute and soft? Let's sell her." Abban stood up, "She is a hostage and I can't let her get hurt, I gave my word to his father." Junaid's face turned dead, "You left a

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