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Thorn of Darkness

Chapter 4 Zayan The Dark Soul

Word Count: 1084    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

all over the room. Walls painted with blood, Zayan opened the door only to find another one of Abban's slaughterhouses, and it was the third room that

you to leave some for me, and we agreed that we would divide, the job I was on was

three Soliden Rebels were standing in Zayan's way, all of them had swords in their hands and their uniform was black with red and white lining. One of them ran towards Zayan, "I'll slash you open, bastard!" he shouted. Zayan smiled and countered his attack, the guy pulled back and tried to take his head off, Zayan ducked and ran his sword through that guy's head, blood streamed through his mouth as he fell

d away, Zayan followed him to his house, talking all the way, while Abban jus

tarted trembling. Abban was stunned to see his room. It was cleaned and all the blood from the ground was gone. The walls were cleaned as well. The room wasn't stinking like Abban now. "You cleaned my room?" Anny nodded, Zayan let out a laugh, "What's ne


nose," Zayan laughed out loud, "She is funny." Abban closed his eyes, "You didn't run, the door was open." Anny eyed Abban, "I know when to give up, and running would have been futile." Zayan was almost astonished by the girl's bravery or stupidity, speaking to Abban so casually, that even he knew what he couldn't say. Like telling him that he stinks and he should shower once in a while. Abban munched on Grapange, it was white from the inside, his eyes still closed. Zayan sitting in the corner next to Abban, "So, what's the big plan?" Abban opened his eyes and looked outside the window that covered half the wall. "About what?" Zayan stood up, "The Hellguards, how do you plan on killing them?" Abban stood up, his face emotionless as ever. A deadly aura surrounded him, even if he was just sleeping or walking. His eyes had a strange look, the look of

ostly lived with Abban, only once in a while he would go home. Zayan even made a pla

round and went i

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