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Thorn of Darkness

Chapter 3 Soliden's Rebel Army

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

ght. A man came out from the cave, "You can go now." Ivar rushed into the cave, the cave wasn't normal from the inside. It looked more like an army camp; camps

rs stood from their chairs shouting a word all at once, "What!" Einar punched the table, "Sit down, I know who we are talking about. But we need to know everything before we make any decision. " All generals pulled themselves together, "So, you are saying that he showed up and said to arrange a meeting with us so he can talk about a deal to kill Djinn king? He must be foolish; we have been trying to kill him for 70 years now, why would we need a contract to kill someone that we have been trying to kill for decades?" Ivar looked towards the generals, "He doesn't want to give you a contract to kill Djinn Lord. He wants you to give him a contract to terminate him. He didn't give me all the details but, it's clear that he wants something from you in return." The generals were out cold, and Ivar threw bullet after bullet of strange things. The great Silent Reaper wanting to talk to them, about killing the strongest man in the whole Domain was not a simple matter. None had ever imagined this scenario, they were trying to kill the Djinn king but, in their hearts, they knew killing him was not possible for Soliden Army. Einar, who was probably the main General, stood up and walked towards Ivar "So, we have two choices, take his offer and if he comes here he migh

ing him on his terms seems the best option. Stand up if you oppose." All generals stayed seated, with their heads bowed down in shame and fear. "Okay, then we will meet him after one month, wherever he wants. But you will stay here until then, I need to confirm with higher-ups. " Ivar nodded. "Soliden Generals," Einar shouted, "Why do I see fear in your eyes? I know he is a monster, but so were thos

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