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Filthy Desires: A Dad's Best Friend.

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1961    |    Released on: 03/11/2023

with dad and when my father returned

ry busy man with running his company and dealing with clients. Someti

he massive home theatre while watching a different movie. It was his

e name even if I tried. I spent the entire movie bitching about the characters and ridiculing their

we just ended up talking about a bunch of crazy things before he thre

woke up when my alarm rang.

itted white blouse and nude heels. I tied my messy curls i

I was greeted by Charles wit

nder one of the bigger lawyers and he has made it known not

t golden locks with bright blue eyes and a lean body but he’s not my

nd forced back a cringe as I took a sip. He got me plain blac

y office, “I was wondering if you’re free this weekend then ma

nk? Maybe I’m a recovering

last week when we celebrated the

aid finally,

raised a brow, “All I need is for you to give me

ails, “I’m not interested in pursuing a relationship in my workplac

frustrated but it is not my fault that he kept on p

. The hair at the back of my neck stood on

e to step back,” I said

g for is one cha

I let out a sigh of relief wh

is words as he tried to make up an excuse. He looked to me

nything, he kept his mouth shut, turned

behind him, and so did Jake becaus

the door when you’re alone with a woman?” I a

t it

with a bat of my lashe

k to you about someth

ious disdain but finally sat down. I took the chair opposite

made it feel small. It felt more intimate t

sturing to the cup Charles had brought from me, “It

e boy brought y

“I was just as sur

coincidentally his lips landed just where mine had been and I did a

I drink that same coffee- which yuck- t

contract for me.” his voice c

have lawyer

paper and my eyebrows rose as I read the words. “It’s

roat and handed

mailing the mayor.” I whisper yelled a

ou don’t get to where I am today without making tough

u need me,” I scoffed, “I t

a whisper and I turned to him, “But you are my bes

one and bring it

ay something, but at the last minute he shook his h

than I should have. Even when I started on h

my head the moment my phone bee


meeting was supposed to be held between all the lawyers my father works with an

to where I am because of daddy’s influence. I won’t disagree that my father helped a lot; but I am a

what was being talked about, I couldn’t tell you. It was b

basically adult bullying- and the older lawyers were trying their best to discr

ay to the lunch room for my break. I had picked a donut an

awyers. He pretended to be looking at the co

y to daddy about everything. You have to ea

rying to daddy about anything.” I said without looking up, “I can hand

a deep red. I’ll have to admit, he looked c

ish Greg,” I gave him a small tap

I know he will. It is his MO; he starts fights with people and whenever you put him in his pla

rles at the door and I quickly turned around before

arles and his incessant need to ask me out. I locked mys

ail someone. I could finish it up tonight if I take my time, but I don’t want him to think I’m t

vite me for drinks with the other younger lawyers but I refused. I went once and all they did was bitch about

h Alana. I made spaghetti and meatballs while she gave me

one new problem or the other that they can’t seem to handle by themselves. Today, they are fighting over

ory when my dad walked into the kitch

turned to him, “Can I ta

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