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Filthy Desires: A Dad's Best Friend.

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2151    |    Released on: 03/11/2023

. He did it slowly, almost as if he wanted me to savor the mo

hirt. It felt like hours before he was done but he didn’t shrug off the shirt. He mad

r back.” He

I had to let it out, “If you were going to have me on

ns.” He said after a beat

. I can’t exactly be a l

ntil I was half dangling off the bed. The action took

to clamp my knees shut but his grip on my kept that from happening. I

nd his eyes narrowed even more, “I know a lot

ook a long inhale and I couldn’t stop the blush that creeped up

rom clit to opening and I threw my head back in a moan. The s

ter. He kissed me there like he would my lips- long and slow open mouthed kisses.

nto the bed and thrust his tongue into my opening. A

the only word

o fingers in me at once and I swear m

to pull him closer or to push him away. All I know is I was grab

d the process- over and over again until I was b

couldn’t finish the

r change tactic and ruin it. But he made a noise of content into me and

inally pulled away, his face was stained with my juices, his usually neat

barely hanging on by this point a

egan as he gestured for me to scoot up on the b

know it’s not with the intention to hurt me. He looped the belt around my wrists and tie

one go. His rock hard cock sprung up and my mouth completely dried up. It is one

he was massive. There is no way al

man an ego boost.” He said s

ould it g

don’t alr

in the chest. He carries condoms around which means he probably has a lot of one night stands. I don’t

snapped up to mine, “And I’m clean. I get tes

at, there’s n

nodded and tossed his wallet to the side. I let out

r thigh and ghosted his lips over my core. I let out an embarrassingly loud moan but he didn’t lin

initial teasing had me lifting my hips

he lifted one of my thighs

to move in but he was taking his precious time rubbing

the head. He pulled out and continued his ministrati

se fu

hed that this affected him just as much as it affected me. Just

etch. That was when I realized what he was doing the entire time. He kne

ness for a full second. I threw my head back in a silent ‘oh’

f. He pounded into me relentlessly. He wasn’t having sex with me or making l

hrown over his waist and his right hand came

d do was take his brutal assault because my hands were restrain

y more than a whisper and

my name

ease. I n

s mouth. He sucked and bit and licked it until I found myself bala

protest to which he s

s.” He began, “I saw through the innocent touches and through your bullshit façade. You made me suffer f


n all those year

en flew right out of my head. He fucked me mercilessly, draggin

brutal than the last. It didn’t matter how much I be

r I fell, “Please, Jake,

d- no, needed it. When he was satisfied with his findings,

the books never did it justice. I could feel him deeper in this position. Ev

one more brutal than the last. The only sounds in the silent room were my moans, his silent groans, the headboar

oing t

ll over my cock like the naug

to me not a second later. All I could manage were sma

e and then pulled out of me. He let my legs d

t a clench in my heart. I

a small cloth. He wiped the warm cloth against my core and I moaned as the warmth hit

wrist. He inspected the slightly reddened area.

e came out soft and

over,” he said simply, “And after I felt your pussy walls tak

eness be damned. He knew because he

” he moved to pic

nd his movements froze, “You don

y girl, I plan to be here for a fucking long time. Besides, what

When he was done, he crawled into bed next to me and I turned my back to h

I felt his hand wrap around my waist and he pul

he kissed my forehead and all

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