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Kissed in code

Kissed in code


Chapter 1 Love comes to town

Word Count: 2275    |    Released on: 09/11/2023


us weapon, for it has the

ality and augmented reality had emerged. People walked through city streets we

e the gap between reality and fantasy, and no inn

ht, he was a tech prodigy, renowned for his groundbreaking creations in the world of augmented and virtual reality. The fame and fo

ickolas watched holographic displays flicker to life, showcasing the sleek design of the new app. It promised to revoluti

wed the final preparations for the app’s launch. They marveled at the potential of the techno

n close, Nick had found himself increasingly haunted by ethical concerns. He had become the puppeteer in this digital masquerade, and the li

h in high school. “what was


Her features were flawlessly symmetrical, from her high cheekbones, to her

. He had loved her in secret. Watched her, obsessed over her. He had dreamt of her every night even at that young age. The drea

through her fiery red hair and kiss her passionately.

er be with Melinda. We are just two weirdos, no girl wi

ht that day. Nick had picked up his lunch and gone out

ight have made a difference. He had convinced himself that his invention wo

told himself, this was his moment, and

as smiled back and waved, he was a superstar now. In the bustling office,

after her. Her presence commanded attention, and she moved

urious waves, she effortlessly caught the light from the office expansive windows. Dressed in office attire that effortlessly blended sophistication and allure,

st enough to maintain professionalism, hin

He bent over to pick up the file as he muttered something under his breath. Nickolas

to the board of directors and they had approved of it. Nickolas knew that Isabella didn’t flirt with ever

Oliver Watkins asked Nick in a tone o

what she is doing to us all, and I have

hind until she disappeared behind

r don’t you?

do, you know that yourself. It’s a shame she doesn’t l

d him of a certain teenager who longer for the

think I need to be a bad boy to

really love guys who try to be themselves”. Nick knew he

now looking d

ing yourself

are”, Nick said with a sly

g back to business “How’s social media feeli

tatives to the briefing. This is going to be your biggest win yet”. Another girl passed

y the world interacts”. They were still discussing when Isabella strod

tech hub, a palpable atmosphere of anticipation and excitement hung in the air. The room was bathed in

tablets adorned every available surface, displaying lines of code, virtual schematics, and intricate design mock-ups. The scent of freshly brewed co

great, one engineer w

groundbreaking dating app they were about to unveil. The walls were adorned with large LED screens that sho

that the lead software engineer, Nickolas Harrington, stood, dressed in a tailored suit that combined classic style with a hi

ineers tweaked algorithms, tested AR interfaces, and fine-tuned the app's features to pe

seamlessly integrated into daily life, and where the promise of technology was limited only by the bounds of imagination. The engineers in the room were about to unveil a dating app

something extraordinary, something that would change the way people thought about love and connections. The meeting to unveil the app was no

heir creation and change the course of digital romance forever. The atmosphere crackled with the promise of

hat going on”, somebody was saying as

going on here?”

shouldn’t you be there interviewing someone or some

. I don’t know what all the fuss is about this app. People have been dating each other

long Sophia, you probably don’t know what the touch of a man feels like”. Sophia slapped her playfully on the back. Th

reation to the world. The audience was a mix of tech enthusiasts, invest

t guy?”, S


gie, who’s this g

rough the venue. "Today, we embark on a journey into a new realm of possibilities. With Virtual Oasis,

n. Tech guy, rich,

rotest, “You dirty girl. How

applause. Nick continued, explaining the app's features and its promise of genuine connecti

this charismatic engineer before, somewhere. Although she couldn’t recall where, her senses

d in her course of being an investigative journalist. He didn’t seem out of

’s pho

is this Sop

Who is


I spea

sounded impatient. “I can


ed anonymous tips when working on different stories. She understo

ews. What exactly a

lk to Sophia for two minutes. When

phie?”, Marga

” Margaret didn’t believe her, she knew som

he editor’s office. She stared briefly at the television set befor

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