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The Billionaire's Mafia

Chapter 3 He kiss

Word Count: 2342    |    Released on: 13/11/2023


cked the door an

ing why don't yo

t, maybe we should run to the r

on the cheek and kissed me on the lips....I didn't respond to his kisses. but h

I felt that he unhooked my bra...and just threw it where....he

and laid me on the bed...he also took of

we were goi

t got la

one" he said and ki

ios" I

.his hands traveled around my body and he stopped at my virgin wher

....and the night was


s around me...that's why I smiled at what happened last night...that's why I remembe

on later" he said and

k about, don't we" I said and tr

in the

ore" I said and...I sat on the edg

elf" I said and was about to stand up

is just being gentle" he said

to explain to the" I said to him

k my head...and I made the bed first...before sitting on the sofa we were just going to talk...a person

the dressing room...he also came out and sat down at my place but he made me stand up and m

" I said, he laughed and starte

ted us to go out so I agreed..

do first?" He asked wh

I said because I asked for the lis

hen where are you going shopping" he said so I nodded... so we

nt straight to the meat section...he first took a cart then h

ables" I said after we

put the pitch in th

t took us a long time..." I said and p

the pumpkin and I shook my head

know" I said....and returned my eyes to the vegetables... he was just standing there, he

the cart"

one who faced the casher and paid while I just waited by his side when it was over...he said he would just bring it to

I just nodded...he kissed me first before turning his back to the parking lot...I

ting for Elios,

tely checked who it was...unknown number



me...to answer..

how he said he k

me to send you body guards there) he sai

atter what happens] I answered him

me...!!) he

....!!!]I shouted on the

said and hung up the call I sighed...I have no choice when he goes home it will be a

looked at the spea

looked at me as if h

and approached me and k

and the sales lady took care of us right away.....I didn't want to because the dear ones clothe


e mall..lets go there hmm" he said an

it...I sat down, Elios said he was going to order, so I just let him..while he was order

ios first .. maybe

was surprised that sh

e an order?"

ught there was a problem." He asked, b

t said aut

p...I held my breath and he's like this when I don't tell

en one of us said a word. He didn't

at the things I had his thigh but it was empty for a moment because he immediately turned his eyes to driving.... He just let go of my hands....

yelled at him when he got to

me your problem" he said and Tata was

sed to this, we're like this" I said to him and came closer to him... On the s

hat you don't tell me what the problem i

l you now... Don't be angry hmm" I said

t tell me your problem" he said and he kissed the top of my n

said again for a moment... What are they

he two just shrugged their shoulders and sat on the sofa wi

s... Elios immediately went upstairs... Here

ile patting his cheek because he was lying on t

ain... But he just held

ally exhausted from snoring... I told him that we should just rest and not go to the mall, but he insisted and said that he wanted to make it up to me... I just shook my head..... He came closer I w


up... And I got up and slipped into my coat and I did my routine... I left the bathroom when Elios still wouldn't wake up... So I thought I sh

g" I greeted

ning too..." he


I'll prepare it

I'll cook for Elios. You've already

cook...?" he said and when he asked w

oticing lately.. Elios seems tired. So I want to cook

's done cooking, I'll serve what I cooked... And go upstairs to wake up E

I got closer... To the bed... But

n" he said an

'm going to eat" I said...

woke up and stood on the bed smiling looking a

" he said and nuzzled his head into

said...again whi

ll hugging you" he said

etting cold" I said.... And

ed.. He quickly got up from the bed.. And went

n my dining area... I had only been down from the top for five hours when Elios came down, the new shower...

oney" he said and kis

..." I said... And I asked her to

I will leave before breakfast..." he s


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