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The Billionaire's Mafia

Chapter 5 our flight

Word Count: 2330    |    Released on: 13/11/2023



ly. I just cooked scrambled eggs, hotdog, ham, and fried rice....

e up" I wak

ot snorted and

rst before fixing the clothes they were going to wear... When the two got off the bed, Eliot


eek and when my firstborn went to the bathroom

aid and came to me

Elias loves you" h

smiled still couldn't see his

xed it and waited for them to finish taking a bath ... Eliot finished first So I came to him and I dressed him... I looked at his face... Elios lo

ing back to my picture when

. He's going to play," I said to Eliot and he nodded and went into the bathroom to


ell asleep.. I just sighed.. I hope our lands don't meet there.


y nap when someo

he" Elias was excited. I lau

t here" Elio

two spoke English. I'm teaching them to

rlier babies don't-" I s

h if you're here in the Philippines if you don't have books and cho

'm excited" eli

m" he repeated when I raise

n calling Borraine for a while but she didn't answer. That's why we took a taxi to go to their house because they live here with mother Sel

re we going stra

answered but

ised. I always ask her Yun Tina, she asks

s is the one who told them I'm sorry son, mommy looks like she's

soon.. Just be patient, baby" I told hi

that Brother, we're going to meet

, it's really rude. One of m

tting off. brother and I helped us with our things... When we got down... I looked at the rather large

g d

ll at home. A wom

?" When he op

ez" I might introduce her. This is one

e said and opened the gate he helped me with

Selia's mother, he

stopped saying when

come? She just said" she s

have to go home for your

u won't worry about it," he said,

going to live here?" elias asked N

he asked and pointe

man auh.

er Selia, you remember," I said. They nodded and

e will walk.." said mother Selia while putting the cookies on

him but he didn't answe

ght of Kay manang


w" he said... because he knows what I

nswered while looki

he knows he's the Father, and it'

name right?" looking at it. I

. 10 million will be given to whoever can see it," he said, sur

t? Po"? I

d me to look for him of course he ran away.. Bu

lias when he asked this question, it turns

ouldn't be hidden.. He is right, Elios al

ias and he was having so much fun I did

an talk.. First we talk and then we can

ed at Eliot w

ad want to come

hat your father doesn't know

d at Elios when T

" I a

me to me and caressed me. He only did

a let's rest first" I said t

stood back to arrange where we would sleep... So

ged my waist. These two are getting sleepy.. When they're sleepy.. So I smoothed their hair... I felt

ht away. I nodded and stood up because he also

rest first" I said and picked up

he has a visitor haha" she said and

leeps because Elias is hugging Elias while Elias's head is on his chest I took the my cell phone and took a picture of them. I was just about to r

ome.. I missed you when the children were pl

sleep, your voice is so loud... I'm ca

the bed.... I pulled him to the living room... So as no

said when we sat

d and he looked

o tell Nila's father" he

is but not

he said again... W

your face used to be shown on TV because

mother Selia

t" he s

o see their father and I don't want

rst"? This

he doesn't accept the children w

ion bhee" he said and

him?" looked again. I'm again Kay

" bor

will take the two of them fo

he said and I no

re you goin

the two are already awake" I sai

hop first" she said and took her bag, I looked at the c

come back soon, I'll

said and kissed me on t


t dressed before going out because I was going to cook our breakfast... When I went downstair

?" I asked this immediately.

n that I'm coming with you?" he sai

till excited, it's still early in the morning, the pers

ut now.... That's what it's like when you're n

and mom Selia will wake up" I said to him ag

is already a

tor looking at what can be cooked.... I saw some meat So I'm going to marinate it, it's a favor

looked at Borraine who looked surpr

ok first

lly cook" he

help you

ghed... I guess he's the crazy one with the strengt


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