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The Billionaire's Mafia

Chapter 4 The Company

Word Count: 2425    |    Released on: 13/11/2023


embers were looking for him... Mom said you should say goodbye quickly.. Because it was urgent

ay manang lina I

ed him, he was putting the

. I'll cook... Again.." I said

me.... Manang also helped me. After he wiped the plates... and put them in the cupboard.. After we finished cooking I went upstairs and left the things I cooked for Ka Manang. He also agreed to let me get dressed first.. S

ng" my thanks t

company" he said and turned around as I packed the

d to show off . .... While we were traveling I felt nervous but ignored it... I took it all in.. When I arrived... At Elios' company.. Jerry opened the door for me and I told him not to


my heart was beating faster... While I

opened the door. Immediately I let go of what I was carrying.. It felt like my heart was pierced and tears slowly fell down my cheeks.... I saw my husband asking Tongan when he was flirting w

e near" I

He said and came closer

covering you and the buttons were still open when your secretary was fl

aid and begged bu

t he was in his company. They were still looking at me. He's an employee but I just didn't pay attention to that anymore... I just want Maka... Get out of here.... It's so painful..... I have nowhere els

... I just went there... Even though I don't know you there, I saved up some money to start over... When I got on the jeep... I was immediately told that it's only at the terminal in Cavite... And


r what,"

new here?

lace to live.... Do you know anything" I said, I

ure you'll be ok there" he said and I immediately agreed and w

down and... I saw the only house far

o Matada when he called me....I f

e are three bedrooms... Upstairs and our two downstairs.. It's like the first floor but

n know his name.. He showed me the room here in the l

way, just call me Mom Selia" he

want to introduce my first name, I don't want to hear you call me Tina.....

t?" he said and led m

e it's just the flight and the tir

l cook lunch and I'll just wake you

other Selia"

when I felt a noise in the living room So I stood up but I immediately went back to the bed suddenly full I felt dizzy

aid mother Selia who surprised

ere's dad when I sat on the floor because o

helped me out of

me... I immediately got up.. And my eyes went around... E

mmediately came to me w

re am I

ou here after you passed out" he sai


ady know you're p



" me

mpossible It only happened once... I was held by my stomach and

ou again

is father?" this question I'm so quie


ce you..." he sa

I said he is the fruit of our love with Elios.


I was shaking me and I immedia

his child's hand... Yeah I gave birth to twins..... I gave birth to two h

said Kay Eliot and came to me

leaning against the wall by our door... no matter what I do I will still s

to my trance when the tw

iot nodded....and the two of them went out of the room making the three of them again... They smiled I'm just... I hope y

st that.. I just took a shower and went out of the bathroom maybe... Those two will have a

or so long" Elias s

ot just sai

et's do it now" Elias a

t's how they eat. They're only 5 years old but if

he living room... And watched net flix, this is what


ked at me, I gestured to him that it was his aunt


t my call first Borriane answered


here in America, I gave birth to the two here, mother Selia

I answered

her birthday every year she said yes, by the way I

ink about i

st tell the two that I mi

asked. She was looking at me and Elio

lia's birthday, so we

Eliot said nodding -I nodded...

t care who their father is but my Rina doesn't that it was still their father's doing... That's why I told them all.. Ali is no longer my father and how we se

e're going home tomorrow to the Philippines. I got our ticket and

Elias who was lying on the bed but when I looked there he was alr

lled to Eliot putting away my th

his question just now he always opened up because you

eld him by both should

o much when you are twi

think we're stupid" he said again and I

d to him and lifted him to the bed, it was difficult because he was alread

it yet daddy loves you too" I said to him

oing and arranged the things I was going to bring After I took a half bath first I sat next


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