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The Keeper of the Door


Word Count: 4113    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

o an arm-chair, with a cigar, "but I almost think we are better off without them. If I

er seen her bef

head sharply, and looked up at Max who stood on the hearth-rug. "You're not wildly enth

went down. He stuffed his pipe i

nds. Suddenly he laughed. "Do you know, Wyndham," he sai

couraging. He proceeded to light his pipe wi

n," he said. "It's a beastly difficult position

iced," remar

" said Nick. "I suppose you haven't realized yet th

his face to the ceiling. "I knew you were a species of deity of course. I'

if at the pulling of a string. "If i

empty phrases as

view? I hold that no one should ever

I," s

n. "Then, my dear chap," he said, "why in Heav

at?" s

phrase," he added. "You will find a meaning attached if you

ugh. "I suppose you are privileg

ertain limit

ever make

meaning, Wyndham. It accounts for a good many little eccentricities. I think you were quite right to make her extract that needle. I should have done i

t a needle?" demanded Max,


d m

Again his eyes took a leap

aced it. "Did

" sai

attitude in that moment was aggressively British. He looked a

essed. "I shan't answer

't," said

why," sa

a moment, then returned to the ceiling. "Does she

hat at present if I were you. In my opinion

w I am going to ma

ve divin

ou app

inevitable," said

aces considerable odds with complete

s gone. "No, my friend. And you'll find her very elusive to deal

ant her to

bringing her to bay, you'll never catch her. She's always on her guard

afraid of?"

he said, a half-whimsical note of pleading in his voice. "If you know you're going to win thr

he smallest intention of fetching and carrying for her till she either kicks me or pat

sure you, if the one woman takes it into her head that you are nothing short of a devouring m

ided fashion. "Has that

s. "My courtship represented two years' hard labour. It

spend two years ov

ng of the effect of a collision. His body however remained quite passive,

u might make her happy; but I'm damned if she shall marr

prevent such a catastrophe

hink. I know. Quite a small spoke is enough to stop a

his will, Max laughed. "You make a

iality just n

n peaceably, and gave h

antelpiece and smoked his pipe, staring at the opposite wall. Ther

the fairy notes of a mandolin, and almost at onc

ou in the c

lea, on

e to the

thee, I'd

ortune's bi

blaw, arou

should b

t a', to s

in the wi

bare, sae bl

t were a

there, if tho

monarch o'

reign, wi' t

est jewel

ueen, wad b

Nick rose. "That girl's a siren," he said. "

stood up again was quite expressionless. "You lead the way," he said. "Ar

d the door with the words, but paused a moment looking back at h

still had it bandaged, but he managed to grip hard

en expecting to be amused; and Olga, with all her keenness, was ve

bbons streaming to the floor. She herself was very simply attired in white. The vivid beauty of her outlined ag

hink it's hideous,-but because it's less trouble. I thought it as well

gracious of

jestically, "so long as you come when you're called. A

ho had sprung up somewhat precipitately at Max's approach. "Sit

hing grey vision, the quick closing

chair, and dared the ful

she said. "What did you want to come here

erally dragged us hither. I'm inclined to

upon him. "Cap

t will save such a vast amount of trou

you don't try to be. What do you mean by saying t

said Nick

e other

into words. It wou

aid lightly. "And you, Ma

ga had vacated. "I thought it was time

on't pretend to b

y facing her. "No," he

?" she

igmatical fashion. "Tha

er an

that? I feel as if I were being dissected. I don't wonder that Ol

you are accustomed

ve the eye of a calculating apothecary. I believe you rega

Max. "I suppose ev

nswered flippantly. "But I shan't have you by my death-bed.

ot?" s

ic. I picture you with your back against the door and your arms

d to the window. "You have a

fingers idly across the

some things. How are you enjoying that book of mine? Do you

rank, isn't

u would have been virile enough to like rank thi

I suppose it soothes his nerves, bu

a table within reach. "You would probably feel insulted if I offe

for you,

he pernicious habit. Do you know Major Hunt-Goring? It was he who

cifer!" s

n appropriate name! I wish I'd

rimace was expressiv


tter than

"He's a fascinating creature. It is his proud boast that

fernal liar

true. He is exceedingly popular with the feminine portion of the

was only wondering why he h

r head. "Can'

y. "I should have thought you woul

"Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that

But the man is a liar in any case, and I hope

a you were so pugnacious. Do you always tell peo

e for him,

, her fingers carelessly pluckin

e's so obviously gimcrack that no one dares do any

anks!" s

he weird notes of her mandolin, and Olga

side him on the sofa. "

sgracefully maligned.

us, by way of cha

?" demanded Olga, looking a

yes which with any other man would have denoted admirat

d be good for him. However, you will be relieved to hear that it went wide of the mark.

"He's the biggest man you've ever

Nick. "I never professed to be more than a minno

ared his champion impetu

ed Max. "He is actually

ng because-" He

lashed a very strange look, almost a petrified look,

he said

were trying to picture Hunt-Goring's amusement. He stands about seven feet high

Very distinctly Olga put the question. She was ev

undertaken the job for me. I am sure she is infinitely better equipped f

s cigarettes too well. Why do you look li

rated passion, "I'd pick them up wit

made her wince, but Nick's fin

lerate the man for Jim's sake. He wouldn't thank us for eliminating all his unpleasant patients

arm. There was a gleam of mischief in her eyes as, without preliminar

nights of the Und

of maidens, the

sought, and young mi

e none of the

d," said this ma

the conqu'ror o

n halls fit for mo

be Lord of the h

d damsel, with scor

on Nobles of

opelessly left a

at distance the

Knight from a far

is helm like the

ut, with voice that

s vows to the h

ome with high spou

t conqu'ror of

ll fit for monarc

for ever, thou

mil'd and in jew

d tiaras alre

e step, as her b

is home, of that

starting, exclaims

t a tomb and a d

palace in which t

glance, said the

eplied, "of earth's

is helm for the

e ground-'twas a s

he Lord of the

lin jarred and thrummed upon the floor. Violet Campion sat st

hy did you sing that gruesome thing? D

it upon the piano, where it quivered and thrummed again like a livi

r friend. "Violet, wake up

ned immovable as

her, touched

ddenly been restored, Violet relaxed in her chair, leani

a glimpse of the conqueror of conquerors yourself. I shall

ever dare to go to bed


up with you and hold your hand! The very

a wholesome m

oss materialism and lack of imagination. There is nothing at all

Violet's face flashed int

t a genius," she said. "You know that I am o

minary to asking a

never ask favours. I always take what

ble, too,"

"I am sure you follow t


" observed Nick, in a grandfatherly tone

ribly selfish

protested Violet. "I can't rise to it. Nick, why

always succeed in k

mes comes along to the rescue of the stolen article. But-from what I've seen of life-I scarc

should certainly put my money

e it!" s

it!" sa

etween you. You will tear me to shreds among you, and even the great Dr. Wyndham m

dear," s

d at her.

m not in the mood


, though she strove resolutely t

tly smiling. "Shall we ta

ay glance at Olga. "Ju

with a careless jest. The two who were left heard them

e matter?"

at he would not believe her, knowing also th

Nick, her hero and her close confidant, would she explain the absolute repug

companion's brief, cynical laugh. For she knew by the sure intuition which is a woman's inner and unerring vision, that jest or trifle as he might his keen brain

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1 Chapter 1 THE LESSON2 Chapter 2 THE ALLY3 Chapter 3 THE OBSTACLE4 Chapter 4 THE SETTING OF THE WATCH5 Chapter 5 THE CHAPERON6 Chapter 6 THE PAIN-KILLER7 Chapter 7 THE PUZZLE8 Chapter 8 THE ELASTIC BOND9 Chapter 9 THE PROJECT10 Chapter 10 THE DOOR11 Chapter 11 THE IMPOSSIBLE12 Chapter 12 THE PAL13 Chapter 13 HER FATE14 Chapter 14 THE DARK HOUR15 Chapter 15 THE AWAKENING16 Chapter 16 SECRETS17 Chapter 17 THE VERDICT18 Chapter 18 SOMETHING LOST19 Chapter 19 THE REVELATION20 Chapter 20 THE SEARCH21 Chapter 21 ON THE BRINK22 Chapter 22 OVER THE EDGE23 Chapter 23 AS GOOD AS DEAD24 Chapter 24 THE OPENING OF THE DOOR25 Chapter 25 COURTSHIP26 Chapter 26 THE SELF-INVITED GUEST27 Chapter 27 THE NEW LIFE28 Chapter 28 THE PHANTOM29 Chapter 29 THE EVERLASTING CHAIN30 Chapter 30 CHRISTMAS MORNING31 Chapter 31 THE WILDERNESS OF NASTY POSSIBILITIES32 Chapter 32 THE SOUL OF A HERO33 Chapter 33 THE MAN WITH THE GUN34 Chapter 34 A TALK IN THE OPEN35 Chapter 35 THE FAITHFUL WOUND OF A FRIEND36 Chapter 36 A LETTER FROM AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE37 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 SMOKE FROM THE FIRE39 Chapter 39 THE SPREADING OF THE FLAME40 Chapter 40 THE GAP41 Chapter 41 THE EASIEST COURSE42 Chapter 42 ONE MAN'S LOSS43 Chapter 43 A FIGHT WITHOUT A FINISH44 Chapter 44 THE POWER OF THE ENEMY45 Chapter 45 THE GATHERING STORM46 Chapter 46 THE REPRIEVE47 Chapter 47 THE GIFT OF THE RAJAH48 Chapter 48 THE BIG, BIG GAME OF LIFE49 Chapter 49 MEMORIES THAT HURT50 Chapter 50 A FOOL'S ERRAND51 Chapter 51 LOVE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE52 Chapter 52 A SOLDIER AND A GENTLEMAN53 Chapter 53 THE MAN'S POINT OF VIEW54 Chapter 54 THE LINE OF RETREAT