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The Keeper of the Door


Word Count: 2924    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

far from anticipating. There was no help for it, however, for he was determined to go thither, notwithstanding her assu

as they skimmed up the long Priory drive. "I should h

is presence, but she would have ra

, when he first lost his arm. It's abo

x. "What did he have his arm cut off for? Couldn't

"He was wounded in act

"Vote for the Brave! Vote for the Veteran! Vote for the One-Armed Hero! Never mind his polit

ht of the empty sleeve was enough to bring tears to her eyes at t

such a thing!" she

stoop to take advantag

n the V.C., only-" She

m an idiot to argue

form, I assure you. So our gallant hero occupies the shrine of your young affections, does

n answer. Her lips

otwithstanding his size. If you don't slow up pretty soon,

I'm about," b

readiness. "Do you really? I humbly beg to question that s

ly to a standstill in front of the house before r

air lady;-only your wisdom. You are too prone to let your feelings run

at made reply impossible. "Perhaps, when you have quite finished your lecture

tly," s

ress from the wheel. She whisked it swiftly from his touch, and ran in through the open door, e

"Hullo, hullo! Why don't yo

y. "I'm so sorry, Colonel Campion. The sun is so blazing, I didn't see you. I've co

grim, but he raised no objection to the p

ou, is it? Come in

here was something fateful and forbidding about him. He made her think of a man labouring perpetually under a burden which he resented, but was compelled to bear. She wondered what he and Max Wyndham

more than an hour before. She was in fact lying at careless ease half-dressed upon the bed, dee

u for a few minutes. This is the beastliest thing I've ever read. You shall have it when I've finished. It's all about the Turkish massacres in Armenia-rev

hateful book! How can you read such disgusting things? Violet!" as her remonstrance el

bjectionable himself? How did you inveigle him here? By nothing short of witchcraft, I will swear. Those pal

came upon him at Redlands, and as he has got the car with him, we

st know what became of those unlucky girls when the convent was taken. They mutilated most of the nuns with thei

if you do," said

ting, filthy book and you shan't have it

. "I was all that was beautiful a little while ago. You're quite right though. It is a foul bo

fore the glass. Olga laid down the book, and busied herself wit

ught to be qu

le Majesty waiting. Why didn't you bring him

As if I

nywhere. And I am sure this young man of yours is n

or to 'The Ship,' to attend old Mrs. Stubbs," s

ld think he is pretty sa

nk so?" Olga glance

are to die with him looking on;" Lightly the gay voice made answer. The speaker turned from the glass, her vivid face agl

rother." Olga proceeded deftly with her task as sh

I meant to have just left a message, and n

ordy?" asked Olga, trying

, so nothing will serve but we must all go for a yachting cruise in the Atlantic. I have told him flatly that I will not be one of the party. I detest being on the sea, and

Olga consolingly. "So he can go with

don't know. Isn't it funny of her? Allegro, you're a darling!" Impulsively she whizzed round and

est, how can

es you ever saw-an Italian. And then he went and spoilt everything by falling in love with me. I hated him then. He became che

ly cared for his e

n't love me enough for that, and nothing else would have satisfied me. Have you put that hateful, revolting book

ke such beastly things," said Ol

am ready. I suppose I must veil myself? We mustn't dazzle the impressionable Max, must we? He must accustom his sight to me gradually. Never mind the res

the door. Olga carried the book with her for safety, det

you from the dragon, but I shall probably end by protecting the dragon f

e," said Olga, "unless

magine he is quite capable of clipping your claws if they get in his way. My dear

that," said Olga

here; but as they were at the further end and apparently deeply engrossed in conversation, she decided that

eir entrance, and Max at

n," he observed. "I chanced to find myself in this direc

ou come to see. I wish you would prescribe him a temper tonic. He needs one badly, don't you, Bruce

"I never expend my emotions in vain," he said. "It's a waste

never angry?"

an punish the offe

eedingly careful not to offend you. I wonder what form your

Max, and again h

gh she were aware of his look

tually promised to come and help keep house for you and the redoubta

e a wise move on your part, and it shall

a purely formal question, so you needn't answer it if you don't wish. Oh, do let us have some tea! I'm so thirsty. Please ring the bell, Dr. Wyndham! It's close to you.

el Campion who spoke in the har

aking it away with me to burn o

to me!"

t isn't yours to give.

u like, but n

ve it to anyone," Olg

ding out his hand. "I s

taste in l

d. After a moment, reluctantly, she surrendered

d to the worst. Come along, dear! This place is like a vault. Let

the next ten minutes in playing with the motor, in the dr

something in Max's attitude that puzzled her, but it was something so intangible that she could not even vaguely define it to herself. All his careless banter notwithstanding, she was fully convinced in her own mind that he was not in the smallest degree dazzled or so much

gedy she had witnessed in the glen th

s there indeed some evil influence at work in her friend's lif

t passionately the impulse that had taken her thither. But

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1 Chapter 1 THE LESSON2 Chapter 2 THE ALLY3 Chapter 3 THE OBSTACLE4 Chapter 4 THE SETTING OF THE WATCH5 Chapter 5 THE CHAPERON6 Chapter 6 THE PAIN-KILLER7 Chapter 7 THE PUZZLE8 Chapter 8 THE ELASTIC BOND9 Chapter 9 THE PROJECT10 Chapter 10 THE DOOR11 Chapter 11 THE IMPOSSIBLE12 Chapter 12 THE PAL13 Chapter 13 HER FATE14 Chapter 14 THE DARK HOUR15 Chapter 15 THE AWAKENING16 Chapter 16 SECRETS17 Chapter 17 THE VERDICT18 Chapter 18 SOMETHING LOST19 Chapter 19 THE REVELATION20 Chapter 20 THE SEARCH21 Chapter 21 ON THE BRINK22 Chapter 22 OVER THE EDGE23 Chapter 23 AS GOOD AS DEAD24 Chapter 24 THE OPENING OF THE DOOR25 Chapter 25 COURTSHIP26 Chapter 26 THE SELF-INVITED GUEST27 Chapter 27 THE NEW LIFE28 Chapter 28 THE PHANTOM29 Chapter 29 THE EVERLASTING CHAIN30 Chapter 30 CHRISTMAS MORNING31 Chapter 31 THE WILDERNESS OF NASTY POSSIBILITIES32 Chapter 32 THE SOUL OF A HERO33 Chapter 33 THE MAN WITH THE GUN34 Chapter 34 A TALK IN THE OPEN35 Chapter 35 THE FAITHFUL WOUND OF A FRIEND36 Chapter 36 A LETTER FROM AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE37 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 SMOKE FROM THE FIRE39 Chapter 39 THE SPREADING OF THE FLAME40 Chapter 40 THE GAP41 Chapter 41 THE EASIEST COURSE42 Chapter 42 ONE MAN'S LOSS43 Chapter 43 A FIGHT WITHOUT A FINISH44 Chapter 44 THE POWER OF THE ENEMY45 Chapter 45 THE GATHERING STORM46 Chapter 46 THE REPRIEVE47 Chapter 47 THE GIFT OF THE RAJAH48 Chapter 48 THE BIG, BIG GAME OF LIFE49 Chapter 49 MEMORIES THAT HURT50 Chapter 50 A FOOL'S ERRAND51 Chapter 51 LOVE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE52 Chapter 52 A SOLDIER AND A GENTLEMAN53 Chapter 53 THE MAN'S POINT OF VIEW54 Chapter 54 THE LINE OF RETREAT