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The Keeper of the Door


Word Count: 2806    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ey rose from the luncheon-table. Violet suggested a move to the garden, and he fell in with the proposal with a r

arren," he remarked pathetically, as

an unlighted cigarette between her

stand it. I'm a sociable sort of

ou marry?" l

which I can find no

hy, in

lga, looking after them.

o and mend your stockings in peace! Miss Campio

e, and finally collected her work and f

nd a very unpleasant sense of r

ed about the garden-paths just out of earshot, and several times it seemed to Olga that they were talking confidentially together. She wondered imp

part of the garden. For nearly half an hour she had heard no sound of voices. She wondered if she ought to go in search of them, but her pile of work was still somewhat formid

one? What has become of th

engrossed had she been with getting through her w

ed him frigidly. "Will you

said. "I was just asking myself that question. Generous of you t

k at him. Handsome though he undoubtedly was, he was the one man of her acquaintance whose eyes she shrank from me

iss Campion

rest. The heat made her sleepy. I suggested the hammock, but she wouldn't run the

ther her work with evident determina

urry to get rid of me,"

he grass and rose. "I am bu

followed her example. He stood looking down at her f

enough of me, wha

ared to the sun. She said nothing whatever, merely stood befo

aid. "I wouldn't do that for the world. But

quivering disd

? Come now! You're always running away, but you should reflect that you're bound t

him speechless, w

nity than the present? You are so elusive nowadays. Why, I haven't seen you except from

!" whispe

un we had at the Rectory on Christmas Eve, and how you came to tea with me on the

!" burst out Olga,

gain some day. Have you forgotten? I hard

Why are we in such a towering rage, I wonder? Surely you don'

. "Very well, Major Hunt-Goring," sh

"But you must

aid again. "It-it

that case, I feel almost inclined to

" she said in a wh

ous humour shone in them. He turned them upon the white, shrinking face of the girl who stood rigid bu

rough and broke from him wi

ing amiably. "I won't trouble you now, however, as we a

Her face was no longer pale, but flaming re

hands in his pockets, his hat thrust to the back of his head, a faint, supercilious sm

oluntary exclamation of dismay escaped her, an inarticulate sound that seemed physicall

augh followed her as she went, an

tockings, and found her scrubbing her face vigorously over the basin that was kept

self!" said Max.

asped Olga, with

ing," s

within her reach. Then he sat down on the

her face in it. "Do you want to make me-ha


ly. "I'm not! It's you who-

I don't. I help-when I can.


and behave sensibly. I'll make you

t afraid of you!" came in muffled ton

and drew it away from her with steady insistence. "There, that's better. You look as if you'd got scarlet fever. What did you want to boil yourself

gs he had brought in with him, a

iddle of one of mine," he

nd into it and p

ga. "You-you will on

hand with a

anything, and I'm a lot

is Nick com

. The five-tw

. "Half an hour from no


he had gone in. I suppos

darning. "She is probably reading some


gize," s

"It's horrid of you

me," s

her tears. "What-wha

motor and told Mitche

o something and kill him!" sa

id I didn't give Mitchel i

tent upon his darning. Olga watched him for a few seconds i

at on the right

o approach this kind

by his side, still

e said at last, h

make me nerv

said. "I want to sp

eflective air. "Are you going t


" he said severely. "I don't answe

"Max, then! Will y

disconcerting suddenness. "

t is

p. "I will name my condition w

," she said. "I only want you not to tell-Nick, or

ick to know?

"and he couldn't do any good. He w

t-Goring said to me after you ha

e out of her cheeks. "Yes,"

tcliffe and I understand one another. In fact, we've been more or

ack as if from a blow

t was a lie," said Max, "

!" she said with vehemen

do that," said Max. "But i

she said

if you accept my c

t me to tell you ev

up to you to tell me as much or as little as you like. No, the condition is this, and there is nothing in it that you need jib at. If

remorselessness about him that made him in a fashion imposing. Olga quiv

e you. It's got to be stopped somehow

rther. Give me a free hand! It's the only way if you don't want Nick rushin

the words; but Olga only ga

't know wha

n't faint!" he said. "Let me tell him-as


y expedient," he said. "I'll le

, and after a very considerabl

effort, "I don't think we need d

Max, with a humorous twinkle in his eyes "It doesn't mean any

"You won't te


ted. "But-he won

refer him to y

atter. "Are you sur

want Nick to k

spreads it abroa

said Max. "Imminent but not actual-the sort of th

self. "It's very good of y

k it ought to put an effectual stop to all unwel

nd resumed his darning,

t only a few hours before she had distrusted t

, please!

e held out the unsevered wool, h

the cuttin

he met his look. "Max," she said rather

said imperturbab

lmost imploringly. "You're s

h or as little as y

Olga. "But-it won't be-it never could

le bond, made to stretch to the utmost limit, never breaking of itself,

of relief. "If th

he most exacting r

he began to realize that the species of bond he described might prove the most inviolable of all. But she rais

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1 Chapter 1 THE LESSON2 Chapter 2 THE ALLY3 Chapter 3 THE OBSTACLE4 Chapter 4 THE SETTING OF THE WATCH5 Chapter 5 THE CHAPERON6 Chapter 6 THE PAIN-KILLER7 Chapter 7 THE PUZZLE8 Chapter 8 THE ELASTIC BOND9 Chapter 9 THE PROJECT10 Chapter 10 THE DOOR11 Chapter 11 THE IMPOSSIBLE12 Chapter 12 THE PAL13 Chapter 13 HER FATE14 Chapter 14 THE DARK HOUR15 Chapter 15 THE AWAKENING16 Chapter 16 SECRETS17 Chapter 17 THE VERDICT18 Chapter 18 SOMETHING LOST19 Chapter 19 THE REVELATION20 Chapter 20 THE SEARCH21 Chapter 21 ON THE BRINK22 Chapter 22 OVER THE EDGE23 Chapter 23 AS GOOD AS DEAD24 Chapter 24 THE OPENING OF THE DOOR25 Chapter 25 COURTSHIP26 Chapter 26 THE SELF-INVITED GUEST27 Chapter 27 THE NEW LIFE28 Chapter 28 THE PHANTOM29 Chapter 29 THE EVERLASTING CHAIN30 Chapter 30 CHRISTMAS MORNING31 Chapter 31 THE WILDERNESS OF NASTY POSSIBILITIES32 Chapter 32 THE SOUL OF A HERO33 Chapter 33 THE MAN WITH THE GUN34 Chapter 34 A TALK IN THE OPEN35 Chapter 35 THE FAITHFUL WOUND OF A FRIEND36 Chapter 36 A LETTER FROM AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE37 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 SMOKE FROM THE FIRE39 Chapter 39 THE SPREADING OF THE FLAME40 Chapter 40 THE GAP41 Chapter 41 THE EASIEST COURSE42 Chapter 42 ONE MAN'S LOSS43 Chapter 43 A FIGHT WITHOUT A FINISH44 Chapter 44 THE POWER OF THE ENEMY45 Chapter 45 THE GATHERING STORM46 Chapter 46 THE REPRIEVE47 Chapter 47 THE GIFT OF THE RAJAH48 Chapter 48 THE BIG, BIG GAME OF LIFE49 Chapter 49 MEMORIES THAT HURT50 Chapter 50 A FOOL'S ERRAND51 Chapter 51 LOVE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE52 Chapter 52 A SOLDIER AND A GENTLEMAN53 Chapter 53 THE MAN'S POINT OF VIEW54 Chapter 54 THE LINE OF RETREAT