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Prospect For Reincarnation: From Common Fodder To Calamity

Prospect For Reincarnation: From Common Fodder To Calamity


Chapter 1 Meaningless Existence

Word Count: 1379    |    Released on: 19/11/2023

only chapter writt

the man whom I presume is a husband to the quivering woman behind him, and a father to the


that can change his fate, after all,

make me grip my

et this

terror and dwindling hope – the more upset

man before me responds to by burning away the pathetic, tor


d son to escape, but his attempt, while admir

, knock him against the wall, and ja

d leaving his mouth, melts against the heartless demons that I car


d heaves a wooden chair which she bashes into my back. She hits me repeatedly in the name of he

care, and reason enough to not deli


le her husband's body, no longer pinned to

remains is f

mother's head standing upright by the stump of i

o mad, but he doesn't. He sits


y "Job wel

l house when a croaking

se y..

n my

enough to speak, though I can

! Spawn...

to me. I've heard cou

he same response I've given to

ng. I'm just

ilver set of armor as me, gives me a nod, cackles with glee, and throw

er, before following the dozens from my platoon all around the vil



't much to

diers like me would be sent to eradicate small villages in their nation wh

her side cares for

ten rebukes ta

you must adopt to

. It's become a part of me, yet I'm different from

he presence of skilled enemies and innocents alike. It

e in the super

is all j

w they devolve into madmen is nothing short of a miracle. I should know.

all I

s nothing

ll, with lov

ugh nowadays I find it hard to re

everything I had one day and o

ed hours ago was the cause – I can't quite

? Giving life a rude hand gesture

venting my w


thing whe

ll or b

servant, sworn

ce with the possibili


no an

looks for a lowly foot soldier like me. I have no aptitude for growth, so I remain as a fifty-f

e rank have died, I have managed to master simple tactics a

, it isn't

s n

can be spotted

sty goop that qualifies as a

ady fo

ther day in t

but something wakes me up

on top of me, and something

on top of me, and his knife h

rt to

as I imagined it to be whe

out while pushing the soldier away. It

ing a few paces away

to st

t to

t's the


e to carry out the ambitions of a wealthy, vicious man wh

I do

ts. It hur

ews from

worse than

pose it's a

ry. No

lateral to a

let out a ridiculin

rthless e

etting off a

t th





o open


ave eyes, or a bo

ss and that flashin



broadens and an oddly inh

age towards 'Prospect

referred to as 'Incarn

s, if you have any, and choo

y tra

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