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Prospect For Reincarnation: From Common Fodder To Calamity

Chapter 4 Pity

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 19/11/2023

ly weakening body, Incarnate ^8001 forced himself to backpedal dow

sand in the process, and thudded

hundered in his chest, only relaxing

hand over his chest and feeling the vibrations from his flesh. 'Were those

is whole life, but because of a lack of time to commit. His conscription into the army, which led him to brave endles

superior, yet dark appreciation for

ous folk from his world felt wh

hat statue was anything but a re

wly st

od was

there anything past that statue? Is it the right direction for me to go? I

med like

e, but he still had to consider which direction had promise. Perhaps if he t

rning to an even lighter shade of red – the

ehind the mound of sand whi

ft was the

d get a good v


struck th

as he

tuation... determines how I'm rewarded?' he

was in a world where the comm

or him to successfully reincarn

s a human would, and avoid

ifest his fear even be

the name 'Tyrant' while besmirchi

d against this ideology, but Incarnate ^

.. but because of excitement, and his mind was the o

e wore a det

nto the afterlife...' he thought, ignoring any resistance in his mind, and took a

carnate ^8001 gulped without end, thinking about how best to handle this, now

t on a

, while some were nearly impossible to conquer. Sure

if I don't look...' the Incarnate shook as his mind conjured a spectacular vision of fa

into view, and the Incarnate, un

aking in the cool air... and fe

ang through

kly arrested his joy, as the fact that the s

et's just walk past this dit

to stand before beginning his slow trek to freedom. The pit here didn't exist for n

t being wary of the ground, which could be just as pote

consciously stealing glances at the cro

ng bad happening to him, he f

ppened to t

maybe there was another explanation for what he saw, after all, ev

object is, then maybe there is no difference of an en

r, but neither, even with their beckoning of the powers they claimed to sacr

is was differ

to the mouth of the pit. It had on a tattered blue robe that

nd with a tight grip – an old quill pen. In the other hand, even more

ide to write his last w

Incarnate thoug

mong the remains below, a few skeletons garbled in rusted golden


mpressive, but still indic

e Incarnate

e was looking at fellow comrades who

carnate found himself asking i

ity them, lit

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