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Prospect For Reincarnation: From Common Fodder To Calamity

Chapter 3 The First Floor

Word Count: 1673    |    Released on: 19/11/2023

of an expanse


react to the environment,

dirt, and the ruthless pelting from gra

s and then stood up from wh

g time. Of course, if you asked the new Incarnate what a gear was, he would wear a puzzled face. Perh

y and found his condition

still s

n to speak when it finally smote h

body and fondled every part o

it was unlike the one he

d thin limbs that thankfully looked and felt like those of a human, though marr

couldn't confirm it just yet. In fact, he couldn't confirm

to look around when the same glowing ta

reached 'Bahathraden, Compound D

IRST FLOOR, the Ruins of t

ncarnate ^80

of the Des

n ominou

the reality of what he


rived at

for a path to follow in his new life matched w


Prodigious Young Master path because while there was the risk of being killed due to t

n 'prodigious'. He had thought the opposite before but had recontextua

text to, as with everything else he was unfamiliar with, and he ended up

d had no shortage of genius and prodigies, and while an ancient world would probably

be a ruler in th

e idea of seeing how he would do in a position of power even while loathed. If he had

subjects either, and this ancient world he w

ould i

let before him shifted what it displayed, and depi


e (Incarna


ollow De


ique Quali














n't have to dissect it all by himself. The moment he set hi

subtle sullen look on his face. "Hollow Demonling? So, I actually begin as

given numerical form in order

ndurance. The last attribute seemed to be inaccessible

he would have wanted. Maybe he would be provided with it gradually the more

te a bit. What exactly counted as a unique q

erstand. As depicted, i

len Authorities. It seemed surreal to the Incarnate that he could a

these skills? That wa


c made of cheap fabric over Inca

to know,"

ckage in his vision, it disappeared, leav

Between them was immaculate yet worn stone tiling that abruptly ended to give way for a massive desert ma

he had to say, the only thing more fascinating than th


^8001 walk

in his previous life

d to have housed even more astounding beauty in their prime, bef

stepped on the s

lden valor, but instead looked like a

walloped the Incarn

.' he t

somehow, there was some dull

hough with more tha

look in every direction every five seconds. When he could, he would walk through


no threa

thirty minutes later, as Inc

sand rose higher and higher in the

I imagined I would have to fight

as a fly, much less some ancient relic, which left the new In

trekked up a particularly high mound of sand two hundred meters from where he had been, while once

ne tiling at its visible bottom. Trapped within and around it, were the ancient skeletal remains of hundreds o

with peculiar branding on their chest

ct, as what remained of others were what

ttached, had their hands raised, their mouths aga

mehow made goosebumps appear o

ght with shock, awe, and an o

sn't the wo

ing on the other

to distinguish from the su

a great

haped into the form of a fat man with nine, lively e

ck arms which were locked together and formed at the bottom, not feet, but th

ibly weak, and discovered for the first time, that he had three hearts when the

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