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Contract Love with the Devil Boss

Chapter 4 Secret Boyfriend

Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

ugh the window, illuminating the unfamiliar room where she had awakene

ll catch his lingering scent on the bed. A small, p

followed Christopher as he emerged from the bathroom. His muscles stood out

able. Natalia's heart raced, and it seemed like everything around her

ack over herself, feeling a bit flustered. He leaned against the bed, his gaze fixe

, unable to resist the arousal it stirred within her

er's lips, and he reached for her hand, gently

ed away, continued dressing, and said, "Today, you can go where

looked at Christopher. He was purposefully dressed, and his

ment, Natalia repli

ft him satisfied. He drove back to his father's family home

e about the carefree days of play in the garden and the warm embrace of his late mother, who had passed away when he

within the house. Her sly grin sent shivers down his spine. Victoria had always been a complex and vexing figure in his life, a wo

, his hands in his pockets, passing by Victoria without a glanc

ion. Richard always cherished the moments they spent together as a family and was genuinely delighted when

opher replied, though his demeanor

and sat beside her husband. She sat across from Ch

er. Let's raise a toast

er. He didn't offer any warm gesture towards Victoria. Richard no

about his recent endeavors, but Christopher remained reserved, offering only brief responses. Meanwhile, Victoria seemed content as she observed the

e steady as he looked at his stepmot

r smile, but something

uggested, "You know, Christopher, you should bring y

ith determination. "I'll consider tha

r two closest friends. They were pretty surprised by her expensive outf

ions didn't go unnoticed. Sarah, one of her friends, asked wor

a moment before replying, "

forward, arousing her curiosity

file. The most recent picture showed Jennifer with Otis, Natalia's "former boyfri

en close to her but always seemed envious and determined to take everyt

talia couldn't help but smile faintly. "Don't wo

he previous day's events. She wasn't entirely innocent or naive in the situ

decided to reveal the truth. "I've star

atalia's disclosure. They exchanged bewilder

a exclaimed, "I didn

n, "Do we know

again in a city where everyone seeme

ons, eagerly seeking to find out who the mysterious new person in her life was. Sin

eep us in suspense like thi

h, spill the beans! I

closer, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Well, let's just say you'll find out

e noticed her friends getting too curious.

dy for an enjoyable shopping excursion. However, as Natalia paid and pulled out a powerful black card from

person she had started seeing. Natalia, however, was determined to ke

date tonight and hoped she wouldn't forget. She was sure his chauffeur had told him she was going out with friends

's strangeness and a

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