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Contract Love with the Devil Boss

Chapter 2 Welcome to my world

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

hone screen. He hesitated momentarily, staring at the screen as if it held the an

g?" He said, his tone

through the phone, commanding even from

ile, focused on his business endeavors, and avoided family matters

d?" he asked cautiousl

e. Then, with a heavy, resigned sigh, he began to speak. "I want to talk to you about

pected. The Sterling Enterprises were his mother's legacy, and he

row, Dad," he replied

then. Goodnight, so

r recovered since that woman had entered their lives. But he couldn't give

talk tomorrow," he resp

nt years distancing himself from family matters, building his own empire, but now, he wa

igned this marriage contract with her for a re

Unlike usual, it had a magical power that made him pick up the phone. Ch

to my house? I

Stay where you are, Natalia. I'm on m

ne untouched. The bustling hallways of the skyscraper seemed to blur around him as

her standing alone under the flickering streetlight, looking so fragile in t

y the police you called?" He as

tgown in the cold sky. She was surrounded b

er doe eyes filled w

broke into my house. I didn't feel safe, so I called

st, and gave it to her. His voice h

e now my fiancee. I will ensure

opher's reassuring tone had already made her feel safer than she had in a long time.

s still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had led her to this moment as she settled in

ed, "Do you know who might h

it was. His face was covered, and he seemed more interested in going thr

ly, his gaze fixed on the unknown ahead, and

ure this out together. Right now

nd of events, Natalia furrowed her brow i

flutter. He briefly checked her reaction in the rearview mirr

t expected that. Her mind raced with questions, but she

he road ahead. " You are my fiancée now, and

d just heard. She hesitated momentarily be

usement in his voice as he replied, "Natalia, I'm not joking. You will be safe f

hank you, Christopher..." she whispered. She didn't know what lay ahead, bu

u move your things," Chris

d driving them across the city. In the darkness of the night, they seemed like t

s genuinely breathtaking. The villa was nestled amidst lush gardens with perfectly manicured lawns and vibrant f

e had stepped into a fairy tale. The front of the mansion was adorned with intricate detai

gazed upon the opulent grandeur of the mansion. "

at her. "Welcome to

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