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Contract Love with the Devil Boss

Chapter 5 Will you marry me

Word Count: 1277    |    Released on: 29/02/2024

at a table near the window, where they could marvel at the stunning ocean

What's going on?" Emma loo

ed her confusion and nervousness. "Um, there might be a litt

thing from us?" Sarah took Natalia

ter outside. "I might be introducing someone very spec

in shock. "Right now?" Emma's

here, on an evening like this? Natalia, you have to tell us who it

eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier, but I wanted

ement. Emma tilted her head, smiling, "Well, if it's a

ieve Natalia has kept this a secret for so long. Hopefull

alia was a whirlpool of mixed emotions. She had no idea wha

r, thousands of tiny lights gradually appeared, resembling a constellation of wandering stars moving towards them. The

cle unfolding before their eyes. The drones, under skillful control, started to paint vivid, colorful i

d the image of a glittering engagement ring and the words "Will you marry me?". At that moment, Chri

will you

fiercely in her chest, each beat echoing calls of love and happiness. Her eyes shimmered, not just from the drone lights but also from tears lingering on

hesitation, Natalia

wo friends, initially frozen in shock and silen

Oh my God, Natalia! This is unbelievable!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparklin

wiped away her tears, a beaming smile spreading across her face. "Natalia, I'm so happy for you!" s

warm hug, forming a small circle of joy and celebration. "You deser

adding, "Right, and never doubt that. You have to text us

was beautifully arranged. The four of them took thei

appiness for Natalia, they found themselves momentarily lost in admiration. "Wow, Natalia, you've really hit the jackpot," E

e has the presence of someone who's in control, yet so caring," she murmured, equally c

y aware of her friends' astonishment. To break the silence and ease the somewhat

cular proposal, now began to see Christopher as an indiv

your name?" Emma inquired, her tone lac

tterly gracious. "I'm Christopher, Christopher Sterlin

"Sterling? Isn't that..." her voice trailed of

companies in the country, and Christopher's name frequently mentioned in the media. Knowing that the man standing before t

pher Sterling," Emma said, her voi

This is...amaz

cause, after all, this was just a contract. "Yo

to look at Natalia with excited smiles. "Of course," Emma assured her, her

time to part ways, Natalia felt a

you both," she confesse

ay if you need anything," Sarah said,

s!" Emma added with a wink, el

Sarah home. As Christopher drove Natalia

ate within the confined space. "Are you content, my fiancé?" he asked, his voice

look at him for a moment before responding. "Thank you, my fiancé!" she whispered, her

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