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How we meet

Chapter 2 The next day

Word Count: 904    |    Released on: 30/11/2023

run into the handsome soldier who told me I was beautiful. When I went home last night that is all I could think about was the hand

what he looked like and he sent me a picture of himself. I went one to explain I have never seen him before he then went on to tell me he knew he was just messaging his wife who had passed away my heart felt numb in side I didn't know what to say to him after that. I went to do my interview and was offered the job so I was waiting to be giving a tour of the base due to it being so big and so the tour guide came and it was no other then the tall blue eyed handsome guy whom I ran into yesterday I then turned a new shade of red. He then said hi its nice to meet you my name is Nate I the said it was night to meet him and my name is Natalie. As Nate is giving ,me the tour I could feel a instant connection. I think Nate did to cause what he said next shocked me he said Natalie I didn't think I would ever see you again and here you are I told myself if I saw you again I would do this , so then he stopped and turned around and kissed me out of nowhere it sent chills down my spine. It felt like sparks where flying when he was done kissing me. We both said wow that was amazing. He then said I'm so sorry I didn't know if you wanted to do that or if you had a boyfriend. I was speechless and couldn't speak I then said I don't have a boyfriend and ever since I ran into

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