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Billionaire 's Delicate Wife

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 02/12/2023

I have, oh my," James mumbled dram

ng," Arnold uttered in a cold tone, he hated it whenever

slacking behind not wanting to have an heir. If you continue like this, then I will hand the company over to him. Got it?" James muttered in

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from the bright light that came into view, and after moments of adjusting, she opened her eyes wide once again. She glanced around at where she was, trying to figure out how she got the

his size, there were three doors at various positions in the room. As she tried to familiarize herself with the surroundings, the door pushed open making Alice raise

he looked more handsome than she had expected. His well-structured face, always having on a cold expression, his dark black eyes which looked like an abyss drawing anyone into them, and his shinning bro

vants standing outside who heard Alice's remark felt a certain kind of cold creeping up their s

enerous to allow his gardener or gateman to have such a luxurious room." Ali

d screamed in a freezing frustrated tone when Alice kept misunderstanding him. His expression hardened as h

begged wondering if she had gotten into the hands of some thug o

orst ni


ungest billionaire in Country B and beyond and nobody can escape my wrath, and you are going to become my surrogate bride.

gasped in surpr

old's Man

lared at Arnold for making such an odd remark, "Please be serious, I

at her with a firm and cold expression on his face. "Why? Why? Why do you want me of all gir

ing in the river. You would have been dead meat now but I saved your ass, so you are oblig

aved me why? I never asked you for it, so it's not my problem but yours." Alice lashed

hern pole. "I don't care who you are, you aren't God so I won't listen to you. I see you as a pervert who is just in search of a lady

ith your brain." Arnold screamed back at Alice, he stretched forth his ha

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